That Time in History Class [MF]

Now that I am older I look back on my senior year of high school and realized that I missed out on more than one opportunity if I had only been more confident of myself. Alas, being a teenager (18) in the suburbs leaves you doubting yourself quite a bit, or at least that was my experience.

There was this girl, Sarah, who I had been going to school with since 6th grade. We went to the same church, same sunday school class, similar group of friends but we were never insanely close or anything. We just always happened to be around each other due to our similar activities.

She was nice, opinionated, alternative views type girl. She was pretty, but not like drop dead gorgeous or anything. Her main attributes that men always caught on to were her very large breasts and ass which she had no problem showing off in small torn jean shorts and tank tops.