Devil in Disguise – Part 4

Almost two months went by before we could be together and alone again. I was in University and living on my own but she just finished highschool and being a church girl her mom kept tight control of her whereabouts.

After our last encounter I realized that her amazing tits had distracted me to the point that I never touched her or saw her naked from the waist down. That fact drove me crazy everytime I saw her at bible study, she would be wearing her job’s black uniform pants that made her round ass look so nice, but those pants would also tighten around her genital area showing the most magnificent and ample chubby pussy.

When the chance to do an ice cream run for bible study arose and before I could say anything she quickly suggested that my car was the one not blocked on the driveway and that she new the best icecream place.

Devil in Disguise – Part 3

A couple day’s later I got a call from her asking me to pick her up at her after school job because she wasn’t feeling well and she called her mom but she was busy. I did not think much about it and started driving.

When she came into the car to my surprise she had a big mischievous smile, and without missing a beat she said: “I want to see your bedroom?”

My heart started racing and the 10 minutes drive to my place felt like 10 hours.

Once in my place she quickly took of her blouse, undid my pants and said: “I want a breast massage with your semen, I saw it online and I liked it”

I inmediatly started titty fucking her and she behaved like a pro. Her breast felt warm and were big enough to cradle my balls and cock in a way that I miss to this day. I came all over her tits and she quickly started massaging them with my semen while moaning a little bit, I joined the massage till my cum dried on her skin. At this point she got dressed again and told me rush her home because her mom would be back soon.

Devil in Disguise – Part 2

After that amazing hand job I was torn about my next move, I didn’t really have feelings for her and I was not ready for a relationship after my horrible break up, on top of that my moral compass was telling me that she was just an innocent virgin girl and me just fucking her for fun was not the right thing to do.

Six long weeks of me trying not to be close to her to keep my conscience clean went by, till one day she showed up at my place with some cookies.

“Hi, my mom is running some errands in the area.” she said with that amazing smile of hers and a little jump that made her big breast bounce. Before she could said anything else and without even saying a word I pulled her in, lifted her onto my kitchen countertop and pulled down her top and bra in one swift motion, her large nipples were just as perfect as I had imagined and sucking them long and hard was a heavenly sensation. When I looked up she was blushing and seamed scared. “Are you Ok?” I said, in a meek voice she replied: “I always play with my breast at night but what you did felt very different and I felt it in my whole body”

Devil in Disguise – Part 1

At an extreme low in my life after a very rough breakup I ended meeting a complete stranger in a chatroom that invited me to a church.

As expected all the church people where extra nice, but this 18 year old chubby girl with a great smile approached me and was very interested in me formally joining the church, that was not my plan but her double D cleavage was very persuasive.

After hanging around at different church events it was surprising to see how extremely innocent she was, sex in her mind was nothing beyond a school textbook explanation, which was very rare for someone with such large breast and perfect round chubby ass.

But innocence also means curiosity and at the most unexpected moment while in the church storage room looking for props, she went for a kiss. The surprise of the unexpected kiss intensified when she unzipped my pants, pulled my dick out and started giving me the most intense hand job. I started coming almost inmediatly and my whole body was trembling, she hold me tight without letting my dick off her right hand while she captured all my cum in her left hand, a sensation I will never forget.

Iraqi Freedom

Part 1:

I went for a job interview and was instructed to wait in a small office were this beautiful dark skinned girl was working in front of a huge monitor.

I initiated some small talk, and through it I found out that she came from Iraq, was clearly very smart (but shy) and her family was very traditional.

I was called in for the interview, all went well and to my surprise before the end of the week I had an offer. I was thrilled because the projects this company was doing were unique and my previous company was a nightmare.

Through all the exitement of the new job I completely forgot about the hot Iraqui girl but on my first day of work there she was to great me with a big smile.

We quickly became office buddies and it was a daily treat to see her come into the office with perfect make up and wearing all kind of gorgeous outfits that accentuated her firm breast and tight ass.

Blue Eyes and High Heels

Impresive tall brunette with beautiful smile, long black hair, deep blue eyes and perfect body is introduced as our new coworker. Everybody’s jaw dropped to the floor, my first (and very sad) thought: Why am I even staring, she is completely out of my league.

Afrer the initial shock I remembered that I read somewhere that beautiful women tend to feel lonely and isolated because people are afraid to talk to them. I know it sounds silly, but I just started casually chatting with her from day one and within a couple of weeks we were office buddies regularly going out for lunch. You have no idea how many weird and envious looks I got while out with her, specially because she was always nicely dressed and never failed to wear stilettos. In fact she kept a whole box of them in her car.

A couple of months went by, we became close friends and she invited me to her birthday celebration at her place, I’m the only one invited from our office. Being a good friend (and a total simp) I offered to come early to help set up for the party.