Back Rub [ddlg]

“Daddy?” I staggered into the living room having only just woken at around noon. It was the weekend, but daddy was still sitting on the couch, probably doing some important work on his computer. I just stood staring at him for a moment, clutching my teddy bear with both arms.

“What is it sweet girl?” he asked when I didn’t continue.

I rubbed some of the sleepy from my eyes and yawned. “I slept funny and my back hurts…” I half said, half mumbled.

“Mhm, and you want a back rub, don’t you?” he asked with an accusing tone. Daddy was used to me requesting back rubs a lot, since they feel so good. Sometimes, they even put me to sleep.

“Yeaah,” I drawled, “but for real this time! I need one!”

“Uh huh, sure,” he replied, setting his laptop aside and gesturing for me to come lay down on him. I happily complied, laying with my head on the arm of the couch, my upper body on his lap, and my legs spread out on the rest of the couch. It already felt so comfy and warm laying up against him.

Bouncy Ball [ddlg]

Thump thump thump.

I watched, mesmerized, as my bouncy ball boing-ed against the kitchen floor, its bounces getting shorter and shorter each time it went up and down, until eventually it just started to roll across the ground before I bent to pick it up again. The bouncy ball game is a really fun game, I like to play it whenever I’m bored of all my toys. My bouncy ball is pink and sparkly and kind of see-through, and it’s big enough to fill up the whole palm of my hand! I like my bouncy ball.

Sometimes, I just let the bouncy ball roll off of my hand, and fall on its own, but sometimes I throw it down on the ground real hard, so that it bounces super high. I remember when daddy first got me it out of the coin machine at the mall. I bounced it up and down in all the stores, and once I even bounced it so hard it hit the ceiling! Daddy said I had to just hold the bouncy ball after that, but around the house I still bounce it hard like that, and it still hits the ceiling.

Angel [ddlg]

“Baby, I-” I stopped mid sentence and whispered “oh,” when I realized the lights were off and my baby was fast asleep. I’d popped into her nursery to tell her I got her some chocolate milk from the store, her favorite. It was only about 7:30 so I figured she’d still be up playing, but I guess she was extra tired. She did miss her nap after all.

She laid atop her pile of stuffed animals, her full body sized teddy bear underneath her being the main one propping her up, and the smaller stuffies surrounding the rest of her body like a fluffy shield. She looked so peaceful laying there on her stomach like that, her Care Bears t shirt riding up a little so that I could see her love handles poking out, and her pink lace panties stretched tight across her round ass. She looked so sweet and innocent with her little eyes closed and her little hands cradling one side of her face that I almost left her there to sleep like the sweet little angel she is. Almost.

Alarm Clock [ddlg]

I opened my eyes slowly, and with a good deal of effort, as if they were stuck together from sleep. I could feel daddy next to me, vibrating a little as he heaved great big snores. Rolling over, I lanced at the clock on our bedside table. It read 8:30, and with a begrudging sigh I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

Once I had rubbed the sleepy out of my eyes, I gently put a hand on daddy’s side and shook him a little. “Daddy,” I whispered gently, just like my touch. No response.

“Daaaddyyy,” I shook him a little harder. The snoring ceased, but still no response. Sighing, I swung my legs over to the side of the bed and stood up. I knew what I had to do.

Tip toeing over to the other side of the bed where daddy laid facing, I tried not to make any sudden noises so as not to jolt him awake too suddenly. Daddy has certain rules about how he wants to be woken up.

Dinner a Party [ddlg]

“Do I look ok daddy?” I smoothed the skirt of my blue -line dress and adjusted the off-the-shoulder sleeves. Daddy had told me a million times before we left the house that I looked fine, but I just had to make sure.

“Yes baby, you look just like a princess,” daddy said with certainty as we walked up the stoop of the house’s ornate front door. Daddy knocked three times, and we waited patiently for someone to come answer. I took a deep breath and mentally prepared for a whole night of acting like a big girl. Daddy’s boss invited us to a fancy dinner party to celebrate his promotion at work, so I had to act good.

“Russel!” Daddy’s boss answered the door, his voice booming as he grasped daddy’s hand for a firm shake and a hearty pat on the back. He stepped aside, inviting us in, and I walked through the threshold of what could only be described as a mansion. “And you must be Miss Zoe,” Daddy’s boss held out his hand to me too and shook it more daintily. Not knowing what to say, I just smiled shyly and laughed awkwardly.

Am I funny now? [ddlg]

Rolling over, I just about ran smack into my baby. She laid there like a bump on a log as if she didn’t even feel me moving. I chuckled to myself as I looked at her sweet sleeping face, eyelids fluttering as the morning light from the window shined on her face, mouth open and drooling just a little. She was precious.

Gently, I caressed the side of her face with my hand, moving a lock of hair from out of her eyes and behind her ear. Cuddling up close to her, I felt her smooth, bare legs rub up up against me. I’d forgotten that she fell asleep last night without putting any pants back on, and that she only wore one of my t shirts. I rubbed her thigh, then my hand slipped it’s way up to her asscheek and I squeezed just a little. She made a noise in her sleep, and I felt myself getting hard.

Still wanting her to have a nice wake up call rather than scare her awake again, I controlled myself and just sucked on one of my fingers, getting it nice and slick. Sliding my hand down her front, right between her body and my body, I rubbed her lips just a little before slipping my finger inside her.

Fashion Show [ddlg]

“Are you ready daddy!?” I called out from behind the door to my nursery. I giggled with anticipation.

“I’m still ready baby, just like the last three times you asked,” daddy said with laughter in his voice. He thought I was being silly, but I knew he was gonna love my new outfit.

“Ok, I’m coming for reals this time!” I threw open the door, picked up the hem of my skirt and did my prettiest walk down the hallway for daddy. Then, right when I got up close to him, I spun around so that my skirt floofed out. I squealed cause it was just so pretty!

“Oooh,” daddy said. He probably thought the sparkles were pretty.

“What do you think!?” I shrieked, excited.

Daddy laughed and said “I love it baby girl. Very pretty.” I was showing him my new princess dress that I just got. I ordered it a few days ago, but today it finally came in the mail! It was long and yellow and the skirt had lots of sparkles.

Teddy Bear [ddlg]

Trying to be quiet in the dark of my nursery, I moved my hips back and forth, attempting to go faster while still keeping my legs spread open wide. It was always a little uncomfy like this, laying on my tummy with my legs split open, but it feels so good and soft on my pussy that I can’t just not do it.

Daddy doesn’t like me to play with my sex toys without him, so sometimes instead I just come in here and play with my stuffies. My biggest teddy bear is my favorite, cause my whole body fits on him so I can lay my head down on him and still rub up against him at the same time. Just as I was doing so, my clit got rubbed in just the right way, and I buried my face into the top of my teddy bear’s head to keep from moaning out loud. Daddy would probably still be mad that I’m playing by myself, even if I’m not using the special toys, so I still try to keep it a secret.

Yummy Juice [ddlg]

As I laid on my tummy on the floor, coloring in my favorite hello kitty coloring book, I kept sneaking looks up at daddy every so often. He was sitting up on the couch, watching one of his boring grown-up shows, while I colored. I wanted him to color with me, but he wouldn’t, and that made me real sad. But it was ok, cause while I was laying there looking up at him, I had already thought of another way I could get daddy’s attention.

“Daddy, I want a snaaack,” I said, trying to use my cutest, sweetest voice.

“Let’s see what we got in the kitchen for you babygirl,” he said before getting up and walking in there. I got up and followed him, but I immediately plopped back down to sit on the floor once we were in the kitchen.

“Let’s see,” he opened up the highest cupboard, the one that I can’t reach. Daddy always keeps the best snacks up there, so that I can’t sneak them for treats when he’s not looking.

Don’t play by yourself. [ddlg]

All that could be heard throughout my quiet apartment was my soft moans and whimpers and the squish squish squish of my pink dildo going in and out of me. My Daddy had been at work all day, and leaving me alone and bored like that could only mean one thing: pornhub marathon.

My videos of choice that afternoon were girls taking huge dildos and dicks in their ass, basically really rough anal fucking. It’s the best when the girls are super tiny and you can see whatever’s inside them all up in their guts. I was laying on my stomach, one knee pulled up to my chest, watching such a video. I was fucking myself from the back, close to finishing when-

“Baby, I-“ the bedroom door had busted open, and Daddy came in with a smile that quickly fell from his face. His sudden entrance had made me jump and then subsequently scramble under the covers to hide, but he still had time to survey the scene: the damp sheets, my pajamas in a pile on the floor, the sex toys out of their drawer. He slowly shut the door behind him and made his way slowly over to the night stand where he set down his keys and wallet, before he started unbuttoning his shirt. I just watched him quietly, my eyes the only thing peeking out from under the fluffy covers.