Bit of a back story first.
This was years before my current relationship. I 23 back then and I am now 35. As a freshman in college I was super fucking horny all the time. I did have a girlfriend back then, but we went to different colleges. So I never really got much action since I wanted to be faithful. However even when I did see my gf she would just blue ball me because she wanted to remain a virgin, so it made it even worse. Eventually I found out she cheated but that’s a bit later.
This story is about my good friend Haley who I met my freshman year after I accidentally hit her with my computer chair in the computer lab. After that we became friends, really close friends. She had a boyfriend and wanted to be loyal as well. But we could both feel the sexual tension since day one.
Throughout all 4 years of college, we continued to be friends and party together. Ocationally we would dance and she would grind on me (she defenetly felt my dick get hard) and we even made out couple of times. Nothing too serious and mostly just drunk and high, so it really ment nothing. But damn the tension was so thick that all our friends already thought we were fucking.