[MF] My best friend’s sister (cheating)

Long time lurker, first time poster here. Lil long so skip if need be.

I’ve known Jennifer since I was in the 6th grade when I first moved into the neighborhood. She’s about 3 years older, but I’ve always had a crush on her. As we got older we hung out more and more and our relationship stemmed closer and closer. Jennifer and I never really expressed our feelings for each other until it was too late. She decided to move to Seattle after college and I begged her to stay, but she was set on leaving. Time went on and we both got into relationships. She eventually moved back home and I was still in a relationship and she was not. That did not stop us from hanging out though as we stayed close over the years. We’d go to concerts, breweries, sporting events, etc. One summer day we decided to play hooky and go to some breweries and grab lunch. We took a growler back to her place and continued to drink more. Eventually it became late for me and I let her know I should go home.