[MF] From inexperienced dork to hot and passionate, 10 years later (Part 2)

This is Part 2 of the story, [you can see Part 1 here](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bg9ez8/mf_from_inexperienced_dork_to_hot_and_passionate/).

As I mentioned previously, Lucy and I didn’t see each other in person again until about 10 years later. Neither of us had changed our phone numbers during that period, so one afternoon, I got a text from Lucy out of the blue. She had, again, broken up with her boyfriend, and wanted to hang out and catch up (notice a pattern here?). We made plans to go play pool at a local bar, since I had recently moved back into town near her for work, and met up around 8 that night.

Once we both pulled up to the bar and got out of our cars, I was amazed to see she was even more sexy than the last time I’d seen her in person. She was wearing a snug t-shirt, with her perky little breasts just hinted at with a bit of cleavage. Lucy was, as usual, wearing jeans that showed off her tight ass. She gave me a big hug, and I asked her to spin around for me so I could get a good look at her, which she was happy to oblige. I was floored by just how beautiful she is, and that she was interested enough in me to initiate contact and rekindle our friendship (and maybe more). Even though I had been with several more partners, long term relationships, etc., had women tell me I was “hot,” I had never really gotten over the ugly duckling syndrome I developed in high school, so it was just surprising that she was attracted to me.

[MF] From inexperienced dork to hot and passionate, 10 years later

This is part 1 of the story of my times with Lucy, who I met in high school, drifted apart from, and re-connected as adults 10 years later.

When I was in high school, I was a pretty dorky kid, and had a hard time making friends until senior year, where I opened up a bit. I met a girl named Lucy in one of my classes, she was pretty laid back, and we’d hang out somewhat often between classes or at lunch, not really outside of school. She had an on-again-off-again boyfriend most of the time, and there wasn’t anything actively sexual between us at the time, maybe a little tension at most. We eventually started chatting on AIM, and it got more frequent as time went by. I had developed a crush on one of her friends, who ended up not being interested. Around this time, the sexual tension between Lucy and I had somewhat escalated, but we still didn’t do anything about it. After a while, we were both out of high school, and Lucy had broken up with her boyfriend, and messaged me saying she wanted to come hang out soon to take her mind off of things, which led to the first time we hooked up.