Finding Out We Share the Same Fantasy [Breeding][Impreg][Dirty Texting][Friends to Breeders]

Being a single lady, sometimes it’s hard to admit how into breeding and impreg you are. Some of you here would disagree and say, “Let your freaky breeding flag fly, girl!” Haha, but really — most men I have met or been around, aren’t totally down for raw, natural sex. Don’t get me wrong, they want to fuck bareback — but they assume and want the girl to be on birth control. I don’t desire such, I want my body to be able to do its thing. :) So when a woman wants it bare and then says ‘No, I’m not on birth control’, a lot of guys have those opinion of nope– this is a *trap*. So they either wrap it or pass. Again, my experience.

Until this new guy. Total closet breeder. In the best sort of way. *Swoons.*

TLDR: Went on a handful of dates with a man, we got cozy fast. He goes to work in another city, but we keep talking. A night of dirty texting reveals he wants to put a baby in me. *Sploosh!*

Needing More than Ink: The Tattooist’s Torture

For starters, a confession. I *love* any part of the plane of my chest being stroked, touched, licked… you get the picture. That and my shoulders have always been very sensitive to touch. Oh! and uunnfff… *the collar bones*. Mmm, Mmm, Mmm.

ANYWAYS, I’m getting side tracked.

So yesterday I was quite worked up most of the day, just one of those horny days where you wake up sensitive to the touch and needy, but there is simply just not enough time to indulge. I carried this lust with me throughout the working day – and having Reddit on my phone, did not help matters. Between saucy pics, the dirty flirty banter, sexy stories, and playful atmosphere there were some very nearly unbearable moments where it took *all* my will power to not slip my hand into my trousers, quickly gliding under the silk of my panties for some discreet relief… I never did though; I remained composed as was capable and kept at my professional visage. Then my tattoo artist sent me a text confirming his skin drawing consult and concepts appointment after work. I said “of course! Yeah, can’t wait!” Well I sat there and kept filtering through emails, and then I realized that Eff (his nickname) would be working on my collar bone, neck, shoulder, and chest areas. The thought alone made my twat clench with need and my body shiver. I had to come up with a plan.

Categorized as sexystories

[MF] Oof. Helloooo Daddy. [Primal Need][Breeding][hidden desires]

I hear the thought ringing out in my head whenever he walks by.

*Every. Time.*

I can’t pin point what it is. It’s different each time to be perfectly honest. It’s the couple of heart beats in which he towers over me. It’s something about his cheeky grin. It’s his posture. It’s that whiff of cologne that lingers. It makes me want to turn around and call after him, trying to find some excuse to lure him back into my vicinity. It makes me want to bite my bottom lip silently as I try to not make my hitched breaths seem so apparent. It makes me want to snap my arm out and grip his forearm. The clap of our flesh meeting would echo between us. I know he would give me a look of shock, possibly even one of disapproval. Then his eyes would search mine and find my hunger there, it would awaken his own.

*Then he would know.*

[F4M] Hunted

*Just Breathe.* I will my body to do the simplest of actions. *Breathe.*

I close my eyes as I lean against the rough skin of an old tree. I grip the bark under my palms to keep me centered. I pull in a deep breath and hold it for a few heartbeats before releasing it. I open my eyes and search the darkness around me. The moon offered little light, yet much ambience to this eve. *A hunter’s moon.* I shiver and take in a shuddering breath. There was a hunt taking place alright.

It wasn’t intentional, my idea for a midnight stroll was completely innocent. Sleepless and hot from being bundled up, I decided a nice walk in the cool night air would calm me and cool my body into relaxing. I’d walked these woods many a time, I wasn’t afraid of them. I walked for about fifteen minutes before I felt the air change. I walked slower trying to decipher what it is that has shifted the balance in this place. I could still hear the crickets and small creatures scurrying through the felled foliage. And then, I heard the deafening sound of a branch snap under the tread of something heavy. I looked in that direction quickly.

Still Feeling You [F4M] [morning after] [afterglow arousal] [solo play][First person] [short]

My eyes blink open and I can make out the first beams of the morning sun. I sigh and stretch in our bed, my hand gliding across the pulled back sheets. I thrust up to my elbows, you aren’t here. It takes me a few moments to remember you had to be up early this morning.

I lay back down, the comforter only covering my legs up to the knees. My sigh when I do so is one of breathy disappointment. I furrow my brow and look at the ceiling. *I wish you were here.* Lifting my left leg, I cross it over my right. Suddenly a twinge between my legs. It jolts me wide awake. I’m immediately aware of every sore muscle and any nerve ending below my waist. I cross my legs a little tighter and my thick thighs squeeze my labia together. My mouth falls open and I pull it to a close to quickly bite my lower lip.