Being a single lady, sometimes it’s hard to admit how into breeding and impreg you are. Some of you here would disagree and say, “Let your freaky breeding flag fly, girl!” Haha, but really — most men I have met or been around, aren’t totally down for raw, natural sex. Don’t get me wrong, they want to fuck bareback — but they assume and want the girl to be on birth control. I don’t desire such, I want my body to be able to do its thing. :) So when a woman wants it bare and then says ‘No, I’m not on birth control’, a lot of guys have those opinion of nope– this is a *trap*. So they either wrap it or pass. Again, my experience.
Until this new guy. Total closet breeder. In the best sort of way. *Swoons.*
TLDR: Went on a handful of dates with a man, we got cozy fast. He goes to work in another city, but we keep talking. A night of dirty texting reveals he wants to put a baby in me. *Sploosh!*