Trapped in a Cave [MM][MF][Fantasy]

Rira’s shoulders were aching. The edges of plating on Dalthrun’s boots were digging into her hands. Rira marched forward, carrying the bulk of the unconscious dwarf’s weight. She heard the dragging of metal on dirt behind her. Without looking she called out, “Pick up the base wizard boy!”

Weight shifted behind her as Jerek lifted up the dwarf’s hands a little higher. She heard him let out a small groan, barely able to carry the weight.

Rira held onto Dalthrun’s boots on either side of her hips. Her shoulders and arms were strong and tight. She was strong and had a definition that showed it. She wore a fitted leather armor, one built for function rather than show. Most merchants tried to sell her pieces with intricate details. She finally found a leather worker that would make a set to keep her safe, rather than show off. With layers of padding and thick pieces placed to keep her safe, Rira was sweating under the strain. She walked with sure footing in sensible boots for the time she spent out in the woods and wilderness.

Maggie’s Capture [MF]

Maggie sat crossed legged on the couch with large headphones thumping in her ears. The oversized T-shirt she was wearing was soaking up the wet drips from her chestnut hair. She just got out of the shower after a vigorous shave and wash. Her small pajama shorts were loose and felt soft and cooling against her smooth loins. She adjusted the headphones slightly. They were pressed the side arms of her pink glasses into the sides of her head.

She reached her arms up tall, stretching out her back and slumped into the couched. She was thinking about her day plans. They took weeks to plan, and she was ready for them to start. She thought about the fun she was going to have as she let herself escape into the music.

She took a deep breath in for a heavy sigh when a hand suddenly slapped across her mouth. Her eyes popped open and she grabbed for the hand. It pulled back on her. She felt herself slide over the back of the couch. She pulled against the strong grip on her face but was not able to release the hold. Her feet dropped to the ground behind the couch and she was pulled backwards.

Benny’s Ghost [MF]

It started with a pinch on her ass.

Benny died two months ago. One moment he was in the kitchen grabbing a snack. The next he was dead. The doctors told Emily it was an aneurysm. There was nothing she could’ve done. Now, there was a void in her house and in her life. Her husband just dropped and that was it. After all the family and friends went back to their normal lives, Emily was left alone in the house they bought together.

Emily stepped out of her morning shower. She wrapped herself in a towel. Her blonde hair, still wet, hung on her head spilling down her shoulders. She stepped into their once shared closet. Purposefully not looking at his clothes hung on the other side, she started pulling pieces to wear for the day.

After she slid a pair of clean cotton panties on she felt it. Right at the edge of her pantyline a firm, familiar pinch on her ass. It was just like Benny would always do if he caught her in her underwear. Startled she jumped with a yelp. Looking wildly around the space she saw she was alone.