The rest of the night with the guy from my [F] friend’s party

Been super busy so I haven't been able to share with you all a bit more about the night with the guy I met at a friend's party. I finally have a bit of time to sit down and write, however, so here is the beginning and here is how things kept going:

After Christian and I finished up the first time, we were both still very awake and excited by each other. We lay in bed, flirting, talking, and teasing each other for a while before we got back to sex. He was still so easy to talk to and even though it was nearing four in the morning, I had no desire to get to sleep. He turned me on my stomach and climbed over me, massaging my back and kissing me gently on the neck. He paused, though, and stopped touching me. "What's wrong?" I asked, and he responded: "Nothing, I just got distracted by your perfect ass."

All night play with a guy I [F] met at a friend’s party

Skip down to the sixth paragraph for the good stuff ;)

I was recently at a birthday party for a friend at a local bar. It was a huge group of people, but I didn't actually know many of them, just the friend whose birthday it was, Sean, another friend who I came with, Alissa, and a guy who had I had gone out on a date with, but who I had not seen since, Chris. It was a weeknight, so I really only intended on having one beer and heading home since I had to be up for work at 6:30 the next morning. Before, I knew it, however, I was three beers in and about to start on some shots.

I spent most of the night chatting with a girl I met there, Jess, and watching Chris furtively stealing glances at me while talking to some other guy I didn't know. At around midnight, people started heading home, as the party had already been going quite a while. Alissa had a huge crush on the Sean though, and he was inviting whoever wanted to keep drinking back to his place, and she wanted to go. Being a good friend, I said I'd go with her. The group ended up being me, and the people I have named so far, plus the guy Chris was talking to, who I later learned was named Christian.