Saw my wife cheating in glorious HD Part 3, Confrontation [MF]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

Well it happened…I did it

After Laura left, my wife came back a little bit later. Her hair was a mess, she had attempted to tie it down but failed, but I pretended not to notice it. Anyway, we have dinner like a normal couple and then when we go the living room to watch a movie, she starts texting on her phone. She starts giggling, I look up and she immediately turns off her phone and tries to kill her giggles.

Me: That’s it (wife’s name)

Her: What?

Me: Just stop it (wife’s name) I’ve seen you with (her lover)

Not even lying with this statement, but her face turns pale, I mean PALE.

She starts shaking a little and says: Yeah he came over to help me with some work

Me: Work huh? Him putting his cock in you is work? You blowing him is work? You drinking my favorite bottle with him naked work?

She then bursts into tears and soon it gets to ugly crying.

Her: babe, I know I did it but I missed having sex…cries more…I should’ve came to you but he convinced me to mess around…cries more…

Saw my wife cheating in glorious HD Part 2, Revenge [MF]

[Part 1](

It had been about 3 days since I caught my wife with her lover and it was awkward with her being around to say the least. She didn’t know I knew and had video evidence but the fact that it was on my conscience really made things uncomfortable and I tried to avoid her as much as I could. Then, Sunday rolls around. I go through Reddit and find a particularly interesting response on how to deal with this situation. TLDR of the response is file for the divorce papers, with evidence, then have fun.

At this point I’m practically ashamed of myself for getting hard during her cheating session but decide to just let it go. I then download the video, and luckily for me, my best friend is an attorney at a family law firm and I shoot him a text regarding my situation. He happily accepts and streamlines the process within a matter of a few hours. (I’m not too sure exactly what he did, not too good with this stuff) He then sends me a copy of the papers and I stash them in my folder.

Saw my wife cheating in glorious HD [MF] (3rd person POV)

So with restrictions in our state easing, we slowly started going back to work 3 days every week. While we had the option to stay full remote, I love my job and I was excited to meet up with my buddies so I chose to go to work 3 days a week. The day before I had to go, I was getting some things ready and told my wife I was going to stay a bit late as my buddies and I planned to get some drinks and dinner after work. Normally she always complains and usually doesn’t let me do these kinds of things but this time she was fine with it and told me to have fun.

I was pretty shocked at first, but thought nothing of it later and decided to make the most of it. The next day I go to work and eventually lunchtime rolls around. Most of my friends are in a meeting at the time so I decide to eat lunch by myself at my desk. So, there had been rise in burglaries and porch pirates around my neighborhood, so I splurged about $500 on some new cameras for the house. While my wife knew I set them up in the office, our bedroom, and the hall, she hadn’t known I had an extra camera set up in the loft. The camera was white and blended in with our curtains so you couldn’t tell there was one, unless you looked up real close. On a table in the corner, I had also set up the audio device that linked to the camera and it was obscured by a plant.