I’m a guy in his early 30s. I play for a minor league baseball team somewhere in the US – I’m far too paranoid to say where or at what level – but it could be worse. We aren’t paid nearly enough, our housing is shitty – some guys have lived with host families – but the people who live in the smallish-city here appreciate us pretty well.
The last place I played, you could go a whole season and barely ever get recognized, but here it happens about once a day. Also, there’s some talent in this town. Not just on the field. This summer, a few weeks before the end of our season – the minors are already done, in case you don’t know – I kept hearing the same voice when I was jogging off the field at the end of the away halves of the inning. A girl shouting my jersey number and something funny. And when I looked into the stands, I saw three girls laughing — all really cute, but one very much my type, right behind the dugout.