Those Big Green Eyes Part 5

“Oh fuck…….oh fuck” I whispered as my eyes darted back and forth trying to process what had just happened.
“Dad are you in there with Lilly?” Tara said as she knocked again on the door. “Better think of something fast” the demonic voice said. “Ummm……….ummm, yes Tara I am here with Lilly” I said while staring at Lilly’s still glazed over eyes. “Oh well can I come in then?” Tara said in a concerned tone. “NO!!!……….I mean no, I hit my head pretty hard in the pool. Their is blood and I don’t think you would want to see that Tara.” “Ew Dad!! Are you all right!!” Tara said nervously. “Yes sweet heart I am okay. Lilly is still looking for a bandaid. Go back to the pool it shouldn’t be much longer.” “Oh….oh okay dad” I press my ear against the door too make sure that she was indeed going back to the pool.

Those Big Green Eyes Part Four [Anal][Demonic Possession][Rape][Squirting]

I lay back in my seat stunned at the news Tara had just delivered. “Ummmm honey I’m sorry but I have to meet with our Pastor today.” Tara’s eyes began to swell with tears. “But…..but we never doing anything together Dad” she says as she looks down at her feet trying to hide her tears. “Ohhhh look Marty you made her cry!” the demonic voice says mockingly. “Shut the fuck up. You know why I am doing this” I say to myself. “Look Ol Marty boy lets weigh our options here. You could A go down and see Pastor Brian and tell him all about how you jack hammered your wife’s face hole till she passed out and then get arrested. Or B go to Lilly’s pool party and see those big beautiful teenage tits of hers in a skimpy bathing suit. I think you know which option to pick Marty” the demonic voice said.

Those Big Green Eyes Part 4

I lay back in my seat stunned at the news Tara had just delivered. “Ummmm honey I’m sorry but I have to meet with our Pastor today.” Tara’s eyes began to swell with tears. “But…..but we never doing anything together Dad” she says as she looks down at her feet trying to hide her tears. “Ohhhh look Marty you made her cry!” the demonic voice says mockingly. “Shut the fuck up. You know why I am doing this” I say to myself. “Look Ol Marty boy lets weigh our options here. You could A go down and see Pastor Brian and tell him all about how you jack hammered your wife’s face hole till she passed out and then get arrested. Or B go to Lilly’s pool party and see those big beautiful teenage tits of hers in a skimpy bathing suit. I think you know which option to pick Marty” the demonic voice said.

Those Big Green Eyes Part 3

“What did you say Claire? What was amazing?” Her mouth begins to form more words but she passes out again. “Oh shit oh fuck” I say as I hold her up trying to keep her on her side. Cum still dripping from her mouth on to the floor. Which is now covered in her spit and my cum. I gently place my head on her chest. *Thumb…….*thumb……*thumb…*thumb. Thank god her heart is still beating I say as I gently lay her back on her side and pull my pants back up. I head to the kitchen to get a towel to clean up the mess on the floor when all of the sudden I hear foot steps. My face turns white. “Mom…..Dad what is going on?” I dart from the kitchen, down the hall and catch Tara at the bottom of the stairs.

Those Big Green Eyes Part 2

Their I sit staring at her big green eyes after expelling what felt like half my body weight in cum. I’m tired and confused but most of all scared. “Holy shit, holy fucking shit what do I do?!?!” I say to myself as I attempt to stand and pull my pants up over my erection that still hasn’t gone away even after shooting cum all over the bathroom wall. Finally I say “Lilly I’m sorr-” she runs back to Tara’s room. “Fuck this is it. This is the end of me.” “My dream job in I.T. gone. Me being the President of The Churches Fund-Raising Committee definitely gone.” I close and LOCK the bathroom door and grab a handful of toilet paper and begin to clean up the mess I made on the wall. This all wouldn’t of happened if your wife would just have had sex with you I thought. This could have been prevented this is all her fault. “Yes” I hear.

Those Big Green Eyes

I need to get this off my chest. So first I want to say I love my wife and nothing will ever change that. But for this story to make sense I guess I will have to start from the beginning. I met my wife at a Church Fund Raiser when we where both 18. It was love at first sight. She had jet black hair and piercing green eyes and a smile that could melt your soul if you stared too long. To say I was smitten would be an understatement. Well obviously seeing such an attractive girl I knew I needed to go up to her. Even though I was 5′ 4″ and 120 pound shrimp at the time her beauty propelled me forward.

I could feel my heart racing with each step I took towards her. My hands became sweaty and my mouth began to dry up. Now I don’t remember the whole story because I think I had some sort of outer body experience and I could see myself way up high looking down at the event that was about to transpire. But I think I said in a low voice almost a whisper “Hi my names Marty it’s n-n-n-nice too meet you.” She giggled and said her name was Claire. I then asked if she would want to see the new Star Wars movie that just came out. Keep in mind this was the 70’s and that movie was bigger then Jesus at the time but I digress. Too my absolute shock she said yes and after that we where pretty much inseparable then.