This is a 100% true story, aside from the lady’s name. For the sake of privacy, let’s just call her Flo. I was 28 years old at the time.
I work a blue collar job but every now and then we’re required to attend onsite classes, most of which are safety oriented. One such class was conducted by Flo, an older woman I had never seen before. At least not in person.
Flo was thirty years my senior, a 58 year old redhead who most people would describe as a BBW. Average height but definitely plus sized, including wide hips and a very ample bosom. She wasn’t unattractive but she didn’t exactly ooze sexiness, either. I took notice of her but not much, not initially anyway.
Part of the class had Flo standing up front and speaking, going over a power point presentation and the other portion she dimmed the lights and played a series of instructional videos. During this portion she took a seat in an empty chair in the back of the room which – either by fate or design – happened to be right next to me. A couple of times I could feel her eyes on me but I didn’t think anything of it.