In the late 90’s I was working for a hotel in their AV department. Hotels are interesting places in that a lot of people behave in ways they wouldn’t anyone else, and I think a lot of that comes from both the security of having a room of your own, but also the impermanence of the residency. I missed out on most of that because I was in this hyper-responsible mindset, trying to make good on my first job out of college, and they’d shown us a video during orientation about all the terrible ways you could get everyone sued if you did anything deviant on hotel property. And I was really, really good, on my best behavior, and then something kind of broke between having to work through Christmas and New Year’s. Maybe it was watching folks hook up at company Christmas parties, or not getting the chance to get out and celebrate myself, but I started to find myself inclined to swiping the occasional drink from a mini-bar, or taking a nap in one of the nicer suites. Nothing criminal, but fireable offenses all the same.