[MF] Her eighteenth birthday.

Long backstory. Skip to the … several paragraphs down to get to the fucking. She helped me write this, actually. Both thought it would be fun to relive our first time. Names are fake.

Please spare me your judgements.

I am several years older than my step cousin. We are not related except by marriage. I am male she is female. If you think this is creepy then feel free to click away. Nothing inappropriate happened before she was eighteen, only some frank discussions about sex and sexuality. Conversations she always initiated. Her name is Jane. Mine is John.

We were always close. I’ve known her since she was eight. She’s always been a tomboy and always preferred the company of boys to other girls, especially me. I became the big brother Jane never had, and I fulfilled some of the roles her absentee parents should have fulfilled.

Anyway that’s the context.

Her eighteenth birthday came and went without fanfare since her parents were both away on business and she basically had no friends besides me and one or two other people equally as weird as her. Yeah she is a bit of a freak and I love her for it.

Kylie’s Adventure – Part 4. [fm][oral][NIS]

By popular demand I continue the saga. I’ll link the other three parts later. Long gap between entries because I needed inspiration and I didn’t want to write crap for the sake of writing crap. Anyhoo, here goes. Kylie’s Adventure part four:


After Sarah left things went back to normal at Auburn Middle School. Kids came naked when it was their turn, and classes continued as normal. They all missed their friend, but they were all happy in the memory of her epic defiance. Kylie kept a selfie they had taken together during Sarah’s nude week in her three ring binder. She liked looking at it. Sarah, naked, with one arm around Kylie’s shoulders and the other arm extended to take the photo. Both of them with wide smiles.

A few weeks after Sarah’s departure Kylie received her notification in first period. By now the novelty had worn off and she didn’t get more than a few extra glances as the kids packed up to go to their next class.

Kylie’s heart beat against her ribs. She’d been expecting this. Between Sarah and the other girls who had already taken their turn she’d gotten used to nudity, but to *be* nude was entirely different. Now she knew when it would happen, and the reality was imminent.

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Kylie’s Adventure – Part Three. [ff] [Naked in School]

Aight y’all know the drill by now. Welcome to Kylie’s Adventure, part the third. Of the three this one is the best in my opinion.

Apparently some of you have already seen this while it was on my profile. I refrained from posting it here immediately after writing it because I don’t want to spam the subreddit or oversaturate my readers. I’m flattered that you liked my work enough to visit my profile.

[Part the second](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/8b8l81/kylies_adventure_part_two_mfnaked_in_school/?st=JFWO267X&sh=abec66e0)

[Part the first](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/8aomr8/kylies_adventure_part_1_fmnaked_in_school/?st=JFWO6P0X&sh=4a40cbfe)

As it turned out Auburn was still a middle school and had many different things to teach. School went on as normal for most of the following week. Aside from the first day of school, the rest of the week passed without the NISP intruding on what could otherwise be mistaken as a regular school.

Mr Davids did not mention NISP, nor did he ask anyone to undress. Instead he taught them how to analyze character tropes. Miss Granger came to class fully dressed and did not masturbate herself nor any of the students. Instead she started them on how to manage stress and anxiety in an academic setting. All of Kylie’s other classes were similarly mundane.

Kylie’s Adventure – Part Two. [mf][Naked in School]

The sequel to part [One](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/8aomr8/kylies_adventure_part_1_fmnaked_in_school/?st=JFTVO0PZ&sh=21e37b28). This is a long one folks, but I hope the payoff is worth it.

The first day of school came a week after the pamphlet had come. Since then she and Mikey hadn’t spoken. What they’d done was fun in the moment, but afterwards she felt awkward and embarrassed by the memory. After they had showered they had spent some time naked together, but after Mikey had dressed and gone home the strange magic had worn off. She didn’t regret their naked Adventure, but it didn’t help the prospect of getting naked at school. Mikey was just one boy, one she’d known for a long time, and they’d been alone.

The Auburn middle school quad was busy with excited, nervous, well dressed students milling about waiting for the first bell. Kylie was with her usual circle of friends, Jaime, Sarah, and Keanna at one of the outdoor lunch tables.

The only thing anyone wanted to talk about was the NISP.

“My Mom is so mad. She’s gonna get me out of it.” Sarah said. Her shirt said Not Of This World and she had cross shaped earrings.

Kylie’s Adventure – Part 1. [fm][Naked in school]

I hope this isn’t against the rules. This is my attempt to generate interest in the fairly dead Naked In School genre. Based on the name alone you should have an idea what it’s about, and if it’s not your thing, you’ve been warned.

The premise is that in the not too distant future a second sexual revolution is happening in which absolute sexual liberation occurs. In an attempt to eliminate the old world notions of modesty, shame, and sexual repression schools begin instituting a naked in school program. The general format is that students are selected to spend one full week completely naked at school and generally do all gender segregated activities with the opposite gender. Students are encouraged to accept all non penetrative sex acts requested of them during their week. Ages are typically middle through high school.

Anyways, sorry for the long intro. I give you Kylie’s Adventure.

The pamphlet came in the mail the week before Kylie started the 7th grade.

Mom handed it to her with a slightly amused expression over dinner (spaghetti and meatballs). Her dad was also looking at her weird.