Sweet Tooth: If Anuses Could Talk [25M;28M;26F]

Chapter 1: New Moon

“Not again!” exclaimed Sugar as she spilled her iced coffee over her white shirt. I should have worn a bra today, she thought, the cold coffee quickly hardening her nipples. “I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again…. I’m my own worst enemy,” she sighed to the barista. His name was still a mystery to her, but she had been mooning over the handsome, scruffy barista since the coffee shop first opened.

“Better you than me! If I did that, my chest hair wouldn’t dry out for weeks,” he observed, unable to pull his eyes away from her shirt clinging to her hard nipples like fresh snow clinging to mountain peaks. “It’s these dang compostable cups. They may not be the best, but it’s better than seal murder,” he said in an attempt to hide the twinkle of satisfaction in his yellow-tinted eyes.