Slave to my College Roommate (Part Two) [MM][Mdom][Anal][nc]

Hey there! I'm RPDiem. I'm fairly new to this, so if you have complaints, feel free to voice them. I'm always open to criticism, and it allows me to improve my craft. However, if you downvote the story without commenting on why, I'm just going to assume it's because it's about two dudes fucking, which isn't really constructive.

Anyway, without further ado, the story!


A marked tension had developed between Chris and I since the “wrestling” incident. Whenever I’d open my mouth to bring up our encounter, his cold eyes would meet mine and my words would die in my mouth.

I found that after that first display of dominance, Chris had begun to more openly wander in his underwear, his large bulge straining against the fabric of his briefs as he walked through our room. It soon became second nature for him to strip down whenever he got home from class or a social outing, and he’d only dress up when he had to go out again.

Slave to my College Roommate (Part 1) [MM] [bdsm] [reluc] [huml]

Hi, I'm RPDiem. This is my first time writing erotic fiction, so feel free to give some constructive criticism! It's the first of many parts, and the sooner I hear back the more likely I'll hurry my ass up and write more!


High school, in brief, was hell. I was one of those kids who, for some reason, never managed to make any friends when I was younger, and by the time I became a freshman I was enough of a social pariah that no one would dare approach me in any way that wasn’t openly offensive or abusive. I’ve always been short and thin, standing 5’1” and weighing at about 110lb, and despite my efforts most of the weight I did put on went to my ass and hips, giving me a distinctly feminine build.