A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 5 (age gap, MF)

Chapter 5 – Point of No Return

True to his word, Jake never came out of his bedroom that evening. It was 11 PM and Caroline was in bed, restless, not having come up with anything that would settle her mind. As soon as she would resolve to not think of Jake, he would pop into her head. As soon as she made a pact that she would not pursue a physical relationship with Jake, she would notice her pussy moistening and she had to calm down in order to not start bating again.

During that evening, Jake’s idea of binge watching his show was going horribly. Even though he had busted a nut not that long ago thinking of her, he couldn’t go more than 10 minutes with the show before he would start to think about her again. Then, he would notice he didn’t remember anything from the last 15 minutes of the show and he would have to start it over. After 3 hours, he managed to watch 35 minutes of his show. Jake couldn’t come up with anything that would satiate his desire for Caroline. Finally, he drifted off to sleep around 11 PM, hoping the new morning would bring a new outlook.

A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 4 (age gap, flirting, masturbation)

Chapter 4 – Dueling Showers

The next morning, both Jake and Caroline were a little embarrassed and each hoped the other could not figure out why and certainly neither wanted to talk about it.

The next week was fun. Noah and Jake had their summer jobs, but there was still a lot of time for fun. Mostly, they just hung out at the pool or played Playstation, but it was great. Come Saturday and Noah left early morning on an overnight hiking trip with Tracy. They’re both into hiking and they wanted to do climb some mountain and sleep in a cabin on the mountain. Jake couldn’t see why you would want to sleep in a hot, stuffy cabin when you’ve got a comfy bed inside an air conditioned house, but to each his own.

A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 3 (age gap, masturbation)

Chapter 3 – A New Housemate

The next Sunday was the last Sunday before the Spring semester was over for both Biltmore and Bartlett. Caroline was in the living room reading a book when Noah approached her.

“Hey, Mom, you got a minute?” Noah asked. Putting her book down, “Sure, honey. What’s on your mind?”

Noah said, “Well, I don’t know if you know from the school or not yet, but Bartlett is revoking Jake’s scholarship due to poor grades. “Oh, that’s too bad,” Caroline said sincerely.

“Well,” Noah continued, “It gets worse. His parents said he can’t live with them next semester. He’s out on his own. He’s not sure what he is going to do. You know he doesn’t come from money.” Caroline sincerely said, “Well, do you think we could help out in any way?”

Noah breathed a sigh of relief, “Well, that’s why I’m coming to you. Do you think Jake could come and live with us for the year? I mean he used to practically live here our Senior year of high school and you guys get along, right?”

A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 2 (age gap, flirting)

Chapter 2 – Jake

Senior year was much better for Noah than his Junior year had been. He noticed Jake was wanting to hang at his house all of the time and he didn’t mind. Jake was his best buddy and Noah knew that the Dupree house had all of the cool gadgets plus he knew Jake wanted to get out of his house as much as possible. I don’t think Jake did much to warrant it, but Jake’s parents were getting even more strict with him. It was supposed to be the opposite; you were supposed to get more freedoms the closer you got to 18. It seemed to be the opposite for Jake.

Still, the two friends made the best of it and Jake was practically living at their house. Noah’s mom seemed to be really happy to have him over so much and really spoiled them, bringing snacks during some of their gaming sessions and generally being an amazing mom. Noah could see Jake was eating it up, not getting anything close to that at his home.

A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 1 (MF, cheating)

Chapter 1 – The Law Office Incident

Lying naked beside this gorgeous, sleeping man-child, Caroline Dupree wondered how she got here. It started innocently enough, as most of these things do. It’s not so innocent now and, while lying there basking in the glow of the best sex she had had in a decade, she couldn’t help but obsess over the fact that, fun as it was, this could make things miserable for a lot of people. Her son was a Sophomore in college and was bound to find out about his mom’s actions sooner or later.

Perhaps it makes sense to back up about 8 months in order to explain. No, going further back is needed; three years should be good enough. Caroline was happily married to Phil and their only son, Noah, was a well adjusted 16 year old enjoying high school life and all it had to offer. Caroline had gone back to work after Noah was in the 4th grade, not willingly at first. Phil insisted, “I’m not going to have my wife lying around doing nothing while I work and slave all day. Noah’s college isn’t going to pay for itself.” She knew Phil didn’t really need her to work because he was one of the top lawyers in the state and pulled in easily over $500k in billings annually. Looking back, he probably just wanted to control her. Regardless, she was able to get a decent paying job at the nearby college and, over the years, worked up to a generous salary herself, writing grants and handling other financial matters for the school. It put her Accounting degree to work and was certainly better than the auditing jobs she did before Noah was born. The now $140k salary didn’t hurt either.

A Helping Hand – Chapter 5 (MFMF)

Chapter 5 – Morgan’s Friends

Weeks go by and we are meeting at my house to fuck at least twice a week, sometimes three. It is the best thing going in my life and helping me to get over my loneliness. And because we decided it was just a sexual thing and not a relationship, I don’t feel guilty about not waiting long enough for grieving. I mean, Morgan is great and sweet, but I know I can’t handle anything too serious right now. And if I’m not with her, I’m thinking of Morgan and thinking about filling all of her holes with my cum.

One week, after some great sex as usual, Morgan asks “Hey, Dan, would be open to being involved in the bedroom with another couple?” Damn, I think, is there any kink this woman doesn’t have? But, seeing as her kinks have led me to the best sex of my entire life, I have to be open to it. “Um, well never really thought about it. It was an absolute non-starter with Melissa so I never really pursued it. However, things with you, are, to say the least, different. So, yeah, I guess I would be open to it.”

A Helping Hand – Chapter 4 (MF, anal)

Chapter 4 – Morgan Comes Again (and again)

The next few days found me obsessing over Morgan although mainly in my thoughts. I didn’t want to creep her out, so I didn’t text her too much, but I did let her know how much I enjoyed our time together and how much I looked forward to our next meeting. She was pretty busy with Allie being back in town, but she said Allie was going to the beach with friends on Tuesday and she could plan to bring a meal over again around the same time as last time.

The day arrived and I spent the morning trying not to cream my undies with pre-cum thinking Morgan’s nice ass and huge titties. One o’clock rolls around and she rolls in. This time, she’s wearing a skirt that looks great on her with black stockings on underneath. I help her in with the stuff and then lean in for a kiss, “It’s ok, right?”

“More than ok,” she replies and kisses me hard, like she really meant it.

A Helping Hand – Chapter 3 (MF)

Chapter 3 – Morgan Cheers Me Up More

After a little discussion, we settle on making mojitos. Morgan helps by muddling the lime and mint and I get the sugar, rum and soda. I am having such a good time with this lady and, honestly, it’s so nice to just be with someone and laugh and talk.

Taking our drinks back to the couch, we sit facing each other, sitting slightly askew. Topics remain light and the time just slips by as we talk and laugh. Near the end of her second mojito, Morgan remarks, “Dan, I haven’t this much fun in a long time. I mean, I’ve always liked you and thought were hot…” she suddenly gets quiet as she realizes what she is saying.

“Morgan,” I say reaching my hand out and placing it on her leg. “I’ve always thought you were pretty and so nice. There’s nothing wrong with that. I could recognize that even when we both we married. And, obviously, we WERE both married so we didn’t do anything.”

“Right,” she said. Placing her hand on top of mine, “But I’m not married any longer.” And she looks up into my eyes.

A Helping Hand – Chapter 2 (MF)

Chapter 2 – Morgan Brings a Meal

The next day was pretty routine: get up, make breakfast, get the kids off to school and settle in to my work from home job. I have to say I cleaned a lot of the house and took extra care in the shower to get nice and clean for my impending visit, something I haven’t done in a while. To be honest, I had kind of let myself go the last few months. I hadn’t packed on the pounds as I didn’t have much of an appetite lately, but I wasn’t hitting the gym and didn’t really care about hygiene or my appearance. It felt good to want to look good for someone, although I’m sure she could care less about how I look.

A Helping Hand (MF) – Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – The Smiths

I had known Morgan and her family for years. Our families were part of a co-op (starting about 10 years ago) and once a month, everyone would meet up to get our bulk food and divide it up. It was a fun time, with whole families coming to help, so there were kids running around and it was almost a party atmosphere.

My wife, Melissa, introduced me to Morgan Smith and her husband Mike at one of these events. “Dan, this is Mike and Morgan” and I shook hands with Mike and Morgan. Their oldest girl, Allie, at 9, was just a little older than my son, Gary, and they had two other kids that were somewhere around the ages of our other two kids. Our kids seemed to hit it off and enjoyed playing during the co-op meetups. Over the course of many months, Morgan and I would talk and realized we graduated high school the same year, so we talked about 80s music and the like. At the time, we were both in our mid-30s. She was cute and it was hard not to notice her ample breasts, but I was happily married and so she seemed to be, so I did nothing and she just a nice friend in town.