Teacher Sub – Chapter 5 (MFF, ds)

Chapter 5 – The Dinner Party

The next morning, I was moping around the apartment when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to find Marie standing there in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that had V cut into it, showing quite a bit of her ample cleavage.

“Oh hi, Marie,” I wearily offered. “Hi, Sara. I won’t take much of your time, but Tom and I were wondering if you could come over for dinner tonight. We figured you were good and settled and maybe even bored of our little town.”

“Great,” I thought. “My social life had devolved into hanging out with my older landlords. They’re nice, but I’m sure they are as boring as the rest of this town. Boy, things are different than college.” Even with those thoughts in my head, I heard myself answer Marie, “Sure. What time do you want me there?”

About 6 o’clock that evening, I walked the 20 feet to their front door and knocked. I was surprised to see Marie pretty dressed up when she answered the door. She had on a tight skirt that hugged her little body with black stockings on underneath and a cute red blouse. And here I was in jeans and a t-shirt.

Teacher Sub – Chapter 4 (MF, spying)

Chapter 4 – Joe

I couldn’t deny how hot my Friday night bathtub bate was and decided I needed to make more time to fulfill my needs. Over the next few weeks, I did that and then some. I repeated the bathroom scene, but also got out my ball gag and whip. This lead me to even more intense orgasms the subsequent weeks. Still, whipping myself on the ass and humiliating myself just wasn’t quite the same as having a partner to do it with.

I decided to hit the only decent bar in this tiny town next Friday. Dressed up in my sluttiest outfit that I was still okay with if I saw someone from work, I headed down to Marshall’s at about 8 PM. Taking a seat at the bar and ordering a drink, I sipped at it, surveying the place. Mostly older couples quietly chatting. A few guys close to my age, but not too many. Then I saw one that caught my eye. He wasn’t exactly punk rock like Ron, but looked a little rough and tumble and had a big tat on his forearm. He was maybe low 30s, so a bit older than I would want, but beggars can’t be choosers I thought to myself. He was also a little chubby and doughy.

Teacher Sub – Chapter 3 (MF+F, ds, spying, masturbation)

[Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ufm8ty/teacher_sub_chapter_1_mf_ds/)

[Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ugfvq1/teacher_sub_chapter_2_mf_ds_bd/)

Chapter 3 – Bartlett

Bartlett was a ridiculously small town and I could tell the first time I drove in that it was a bit of a poor town. It was not uncommon for fresh graduates like me to have to “slum” it for a year or two before being able to move to a more modern city and a nicer job.

There were not a lot of apartments to choose from in Bartlett. I felt fortunate to find a relatively cheap place near the school. It was a large, somewhat run down house that had an apartment attached. The owners were Tom & Marie Johnson and they seemed nice enough. Tom was a big guy, I would guess late 40s, but not unattractive though he could stand to lose a few pounds. He seemed to be about 6 foot even and was probably 240 pounds. His dark hair had some specks of gray in it. Marie was about as opposite as you could get: petite, blond, and clearly younger. She probably stood 5’1″ at most and I would be surprised if she was more than 105 pounds. She was quite attractive and definitely had bigger tits than a woman her size should have. They both were pretty nice, too.

Teacher Sub – Chapter 2 (MF, ds, bd)

Chapter 2 – More Ron, More Learning

I found it hard to concentrate on my studies that fall. I was thinking of Ron a lot and what he did to me and for me in the bedroom. Luckily, my courses were pretty easy, so I wasn’t in danger of failing. On top of that, as much as I wanted to be with him, I also was scared of going too deep into this dom/sub lifestyle. I was possibly more scared of myself than of Ron. Still, I saw him about once a week. We rarely went out; mostly, I just came over to his house and we would fuck and suck until we collapsed on his bed.

Come February and I had done a few new things during our play times. Early on, we established a safe word I could use if things were getting out of hand: “watermelon.” We played where he would cuff me at my ankles and wrists to his bed as he had his way with me. I liked that a lot. We did some whipping, but I only liked that if it was not too hard. We did some spanking stuff and found I liked that as part of sex, but not as straight out discipline.

Teacher Sub – Chapter 1 (MF, ds)

Chapter 1 – Senior Year

I can’t believe I was almost done with school. College had been a great experience, but I was ready to move on. I had my fun for sure, though.

I’ve always been aware and in tune with my body from an early age. My first year in college, I had two boyfriends and a few one night stands. I am 5’6″ tall and 125 pounds, with dark brown hair, athletically built (I ran track in high school), so I had no shortage of date requests. The guys were fine, but vanilla in the bedroom. I didn’t know exactly what I was looking for, but I craved a more intense sexual experience.

My Sophomore and Junior years seemed to fly by, being the hardest class wise. A couple of hookups here and there, but guys kind of fell off my radar. My course load for Senior year was going to be pretty easy and I was looking forward to getting back into the dating scene.

A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 10 (age gap)

Chapter 10 – The Rest

Caroline meant those words she said to Jake at the time, but wasn’t able to keep her word. The next month went better that any of them could have expected things to go. Jake and Caroline were clearly deeply in love, but kept their affections for the bedroom. Eating together or swimming even their gaming sessions seemed to be going well. Not exactly like old times, but things were fine.

Jake was doing better in school that he ever had and the maturity in him was noticeable in just about everything he did. His maturity would have another test soon though.

One day, when Noah was going to be out until 5, Caroline got home and started up the stairs. Jake heard her and came out into the hall and, picking her up so her legs wrapped around his waist, said, “Noah won’t be home until 5. We’ve got time to go a round or two.”

Caroline undid her legs and slid back to the ground, “Oh I’d love to, but we have to talk about something first. Come into my bedroom with me.” Jake followed her into her bedroom, wondering what she wanted to talk about. She sat on the bed, folding her hands into her lap and looking up at him.

A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 9 (age gap)

Chapter 9 – The Talk

Noah did indeed come home within a few hours. He had driven to the park and talked to himself about what was happening in his house. At first the thought of Jake with his mom repulsed him and he was pretty pissed at Jake for adding his mom to his bevy of conquests. After a while, though, he was more rational, and realized he was being selfish. He was an adult and could act like one. Besides, why shouldn’t his mom be happy? His dad sure as hell didn’t care about her happiness. Noah would always love his dad, but he had come to realize that his dad was kind of a smug, selfish prick. Honestly, his mom was way too good for his dad. “Would Jake be good enough for her,” he wondered to himself.

He didn’t want to face them, but knew it was the responsible thing to do. When he came in the door, Jake and his mom were sitting side by side on the couch, holding hands.

“Noah,” Caroline started. “We’re glad you came back. We need to talk to you.”

A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 8 (age gap, MF)

Chapter 8 – The Thing that Should Not Be

“What?,” Caroline asked of Jake, fearful for his answer.

“I am about 90% sure that Noah knows about us.”

“Shit,” was the first word out of Caroline’s mouth. “Dammit, Jake, what are we doing to do?”

“Well,” Jake offered. “We’ll all sit down like adults and talk it out. We will explain that, despite our age difference, that we love each other and…” Caroline broke in, “Wait? Did you say ‘love each other’?”

Jake replied, “Did I? I guess I did. Well, yeah, there’s no denying it any longer. I DO love you, Caroline. I’ve been aware of it myself for probably a week or two, but I didn’t want to say anything because I wasn’t sure if we had a future at all. Do you, uh, feel the same way?”

Caroline faltered, “Yeah, I think so. I mean, to be honest, I thought it was just two people that were attracted physically and I know I was in need of physical intimacy. I thought maybe we’d fuck a few times and I’d be over you and realize that we should just move on with our lives. Frankly, I figured you would tire of me pretty quickly.”

A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 7 (age gap, MF, spying)

Chapter 7 – School Starts

When Noah came back home from his camping trip, both Caroline and Jake were sweating bullets for a few hours, but everything seemed to be cool; Noah seemed to suspect nothing. Noah and Jake were able to enjoy their last week of summer and Caroline had agreed to not be around them much and definitely promised not to wear her bikini in front of Jake if Noah was around.

Noah commented to Jake during one of their gaming sessions that week, “Hey, man, I’m glad you are settling in nicely. You seem really at home here. I’m happy for you.” Slightly nervous, Jake responded, “Yeah, I think I’m getting pretty comfortable. You guys have been so great to me.”

Noah continued, “And you seem more comfortable around my mom so that’s good. I was worried it would be awkward for you two when I was gone. I mean, you’ve known her for a long time, but I was always around before.”

Thankful that the gaming room is dark and, thus, Noah could not see his reddening face, Jake replied a bit nervously, “Yeah, I guess so. You think I’m acting different around her?”

A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 6 (age gap, MF)

Chapter 6 – Back to the Present

So, that’s how Caroline Dupree went from married mom to divorced mom to cougar in the span of about 3 years. The sun’s just peaking through the windows, so it must be about 6 o’clock and Caroline is wondering how things are going to change. Noah is not due back until after noon, so she has some time to think about things, but she’s not sure she has any good answers. She’ll talk to Jake as soon as he wakes.

Jake’s eyes open and he looks at her, the sun shining in on them, clearly showing her to him for the first time since her nocturnal visit. “So, it wasn’t a dream,” Jake joked.

Caroline laughed, “No, it wasn’t a dream. I’m sorry, that was a strange way to approach you, but I was fighting myself all night, all day really, not to mention this past week. Well, I finally gave up the fight and, unfortunately, it was past midnight, so I guess I was your sleep angel. I hope you don’t feel taken advantage of.”

Jake laughed, “Well, if that’s being taken advantage of, then I want to be taken advantage of every night.”