The Bet

My husband’s friends are around a lot more than he or I would like to admit. I won’t use any names, but when I was first introduced to hubby’s bff, let’s call him Ted, I thought he was obnoxious and crude.

I understand that playful badgering and ridicule are sometimes the toxic traits of a long time friendship, but my husband tends to take the brunt of their jokes and Ted is by far his biggest bully.

Growing up together, I know they’ve seen each other naked at least one time or another, and Ted never fails to bring up the size of my husband’s manhood whenever they start ragging on one another. Often calling him a woman, Ted has always referred to my husband’s penis as a “baby dick”.

Even with the pandemic going on, Ted is consistently around anytime my husband is not at his job. He has had complete control over our “us” time, and he often crashes on one of our couches after too many drinks.

Complaints to hubby about Ted as an ever increasing nuisance have continuously fallen on deaf ears. At wits end, my decision to take a different and although sluttier approach to rectifying my dilemma is what has lead us to now, and thus the beginning of my confession.

Here’s the Deal… Part I [F/M]

My husband’s friends are around a lot more than he or I would like to admit. I won’t use any names, but when I was first introduced to hubby’s bff, let’s call him Ted, I thought he was obnoxious and crude.

I understand that playful badgering and ridicule are sometimes the toxic traits of a long time friendship, but my husband tends to take the brunt of their jokes and Ted is by far his biggest bully.

Growing up together, I know they’ve seen each other naked at least one time or another, and Ted never fails to bring up the size of my husband’s manhood whenever they start ragging on one another. Often calling him a woman, Ted has always referred to my husband’s penis as a “baby dick”.

Even with the pandemic going on, Ted is consistently around anytime my husband is not at his job. He has had complete control over our “us” time, and he often crashes on one of our couches after too many drinks.

Complaints to hubby about Ted as an ever increasing nuisance have continuously fallen on deaf ears. At wits end, my decision to take a different and although sluttier approach to rectifying my dilemma is what has lead us to now, and thus the beginning of my confession.

Here’s the Deal.. Part II [F/M]

Leaning in to kiss me, I didn’t have the heart to stop him. My husband’s lips met mine in a long passionate endearment and his beard tickled as it brushed my face.

“I love you.” He said soberly.

Holding eachother tightly at the foot of the bed, we eventually broke apart and went to work on a quick fix for dinner. After devouring my food in silence, I immediately darted off to our bedroom and straight into the shower.

Tears again streaming from my face, I ran the water as hot as I could withstand. With suds in my hair, I shaved my legs, my arm pits and my still tainted pussy. Removing any trace of Ted’s violation, I scrubbed myself inside and out, and proceeded to rinse the conditioner from my scalp as the events of the day regretably replayed in my head.

Ted’s arrogance, my own actions, and the “bet” my husband had failed to mention, had created a circumstance I was going to have to come to grips with. I didn’t know what my husband was going to do about his friend, but I knew the thought of being “fairplay” made me cringe. The only thing that could come from this would be a more obnoxious and repulsive version of Ted.