Sneaking away over the holidays [MF]

This happened two years ago now but I think of it more often around Christmas. I was invited to spend some time over the holidays at my then girlfriend’s parent’s house, and it was some of the best sex I’d had with her.

Now her parents were pretty strict when it came to that sort of thing, I was expected to sleep in the guest room in the basement while my girlfriend slept upstairs in her room. Sleeping together was out of the question, but we made sure to find some time together throughout the week.

My first night there was quiet by our standards. No display of affection infront of her parents. We kept things proper, mainly out of respect, but throughout the day I could feel the urges building. Before bed she came down to show me the room and to get me settled. Nothing to arouse the suspicion of anyone upstairs, just a quick “good night” and she would be off to her own room to sleep. I was expecting a quick good night kiss but before I knew it I was pressed against the wall and felt her body on mine before she pulled back and gave me a little smirk, “see you in the morning!” was all she said before disappearing.

[MF] Tying her down and using her

This happened quite recently, a bit of experimentation during lockdown which turned out to be an amazing experience for both of us.

Now we had played around with bondage and rope before in a limited sense but never to this level. The basic stuff, tied to a bed frame, blindfolded, hands tied together.

As she finished up her last assignment before the winter break, I sat in her room practicing a few knots I wanted to try. After finding some aesthetically pleasing ones I head over to the couch beside her.

“What’s that?” She asks after eyeing the rope.

“I figured I could use this on you tonight.”

A smile and nod were all I needed. I head back to the bedroom and got the space ready. Clearing off the sheets and getting everything I’d need. It would be some time before she was finished working so I had time to prepare a bit.

Not long after she appears in the doorway

“So how do you want me?”

My girlfriend shared her fantasy [MF]

Recently we have been looking at ways to make things interesting and got on the topic of our deepest fantasies. It started off innocent enough with the typical threesome or romantic getaway but pretty soon I realized she had some darker fantasies.

The one at the top of her list was to be used. To be layed out on a table like the main course of a buffet. Having everyone explore every inch of her and endlessly tease her senses. Not like a gangbang, something more sensual.

We started talking about how we would make it happen and the sex that followed was absolutely amazing. Maybe we’ll start smaller like a threesome and build up to that.

I wasn’t the only one hoping for sex. [MF]

This is another story that happened a few years ago. Back in the winter during uni I ended up going out with this girl who had some mutual friends. We kind of skipped the awkward date stuff and went straight to hanging out at each other’s places.

This night in particular we both had late classes and ended up meeting at my place for a movie, definitely not a good one either. Always a good sign when you put on a movie that nobody will pay attention to.

As we settle in to “watch” the movie, both of us were relatively cautious with our actions. Not wanting to come off as too forward we both try to be proper, it was only the second date after all.

Boy was I wrong. I started with a simple enough move, sliding my hand over top of her leg as we get comfy in bed, still fully clothed. Almost the moment my hand grazes her thigh she turns, looks me in the eye for what felt like an eternity, and leans in for a kiss.

[M] Home for the holidays

This happened close to 2 years ago now, I was still in university and went to stay at my parent’s house over christmas.

Right at the start of my little vacation, I get a message from my ex wishing me a happy holidays. I didn’t think much of it, wasn’t out of the ordinary at all. Now at this point I hadn’t seen her in about 6 months, we met while she was working a co-op position but after it ended and she moved back for school the distance made things a bit difficult. Mutually we decided to end it, keeping in touch but moving on.

You could say our relationship was hot and fast while it was active, though. By the end of the night after the first date we were in the same bed and it only grew from there. A high sex drive and schedules too busy to find relief elsewhere ment we were seeing eachother a lot, and more often than not getting out our sexual frustration.

After catching up a bit during the start of the winter break I realized what this was. At this point we were both stuck at home with no outlet and the tensions started building.

[MF] I fuck on the first date

In university enough never felt like enough. I didn’t have a serious relationship until my last year and I was a bit of a late bloomer, but those few years in between were a lot of fun. Looking back on it, my sex life went from 0-100 in the span of a few days.

The first girl I had been with was at the start just a friend. Don’t get me wrong, I definately found her attractive, I just felt like things were going to stay friendly and boy was I wrong. We had flirted a bit but nothing ever came of it and we kind of forgot about it after a while. Later on in the semester a late night study session wasn’t very productive anymore so after a while we decided on a movie, heading to her room and sprawling across the bed because her roommates were in the living room. Before I know it its 1am and I just missed my last bus home. Shit. “I need to get going, its going to be a long walk home for me” I tell her. Very kindly she offered I crash at her place, but I politely declined. I was not looking forward to a night on the couch with my own bed waiting for me at home. “You could just stay here?” Gesturing to the other half of her bed. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Without seeming too eager I accept and crawl over to my side of the bed.

[MF] Gave her an orgasm from oral for the first time

Back in university I had a FWB who liked to experiment with me occasionally. It was a pretty nice deal, we met up a couple times a week for sex for a few months while she was in town for a co-op job. We had been talking one night after a couple weeks of seeing eachother and came to the topic of oral. By this point she had gone down on me, but I had yet to reciprocate and she wasn’t really interested in trying. After some prying she confesses she never enjoyed the oral she got from the other guys she had been with and wasn’t interested in trying again.

I spent the next little bit convincing her to let me go down on her(how many people would say no???) And end up compromising, she’ll just sit on my face next time she sucks me off. Works for me!

That time I ate [M]y girl[F]riend out in a park

Nearly two years ago now but still a fond memory for me. One of those experiences where a few spontaneous decisions lead to something you’ll never forget, and wish would happen again.

We were both still in university and had decided to go to a beginning of the year party because, of course, that’s a great reason to get drunk before the grind of another semester begins. Even before people started showing up we knew it would be wild since people started early with their alcohol. No surprises there! Eventually the inevitable happened and a few become too drunk for their own good and most decided that was it for the night.

My girlfriend and I started walking home around 12, a perfect summer night for such a stroll. We could have gone straight home but at this point I was both not feeling tired and starting to feel frisky. Here’s where I get a few ideas and convince her to take a more ‘scenic’ way back that was conveniently through a park. Now the park was a decent size but being a Saturday night there was still the occasional person making their way home meaning we weren’t exactly alone.