Mystic Vice: Hunter’s Moon (Excerpt)[F/M, Werewolf, Bondage]

This is an excerpt from the Mystic Vice Novella, Hunter's Moon. Its free if you sign up for my mailing list. I hope you enjoy.

“Victoria?” Jin called from the backroom. His voice sounded rough but still human. I took a deep, centering breath, and went to the backroom. Jin was on his knees, hanging limply from the chains. His head was hung low.

“Are you alright?” I asked, opening the door all the way. Jin looked up at me. He was sweating and he had a groggy look on his face.

“Water,” he groaned absently. “Water.”

I left, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and returned. Tentatively kneeling in front of him, I undid the cap and put the bottle to his lips. Jin drank greedily, like he was dying of thirst. He moaned lasciviously as he swallowed each mouthful. There was a sensual edge to it that wouldn’t have escaped anyone’s notice.

Mystic Vice: Big Beautiful Witch 1 [excerpt]

“Dammit Ioannis! You are under arrest! Stop running or I’m going to kick your ass!” I shouted, stumbling after him. Ioannis whipped his head around and dashed down one of the park’s paths, bleating the whole way. He wasn’t going to make this easy for me.

Once I was in the park, I began to pull in as much energy as I could hold. There was no way I was going to let Ioannis out of this park. If he made it to the street, all he had to do was blend into the crowd or hop on a bus and he was gone. Not only that, I won’t be able to use any magick. If I were to start tossing around spells in public, the Chapter Master would have my head. Time to end this.

I aimed my wand and cried out: “Ballando Vento!”

The air snapped and a gust of wind slammed into Ioannis, hitting him square in the back. He swore and went tail over teakettle, but was already up and running a moment later. Dammit! That was as hard as I could hit! Ioannis was getting farther away and he would be on the street in less than a minute. I channeled the energy, readying another spell.

Ghosts that Linger

A man marched into the ballroom, skin clammy, clutching a half drunk glass of scotch and its parent bottle. The room was empty, cleaned and closed for the night. Almost all the chairs were stacked seven or eight high and the tables were all covered with plain white table clothes. After one in the morning not even the cleaning crew bothers to come into this place. I set the bottle down on a table and dropped into closest seat angrily, making sure to face the door.

“I said I wouldn’t do this to myself anymore,” he thought to himself as he tossed back another quick swig of scotch. “I’m over this. I’m done.”

He had said the very same things to himself countless times over the past few months. It had become a mantra to him, one that was supposed to break him from this viscous cycle. Now it was just dull noise, repeated ad nauseam in his head, feeding the growing shame, melancholy, and lust. He hated the way he felt, the way she made him feel. It was all her fault and she wouldn’t spare a moment on that thought. He put the glass down.

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Morning Coffee [MF] [Cunnilingus] [Coffee]

The robust, alluring smell of warm coffee wafted into Lara’s nose as she leaned against the kitchen table. The vapor ran through her nose to the rest of her form as she took a long inhale and pushed back a ginger tress out of her face. Heavenly, she thought as she took the first tentative sip. The taste of the hot, bittersweet liquid was twice as good as the smell and the perfect cure to the frosty morning. She let out a little groan of pleasure. This was the perfect way to spend the morning.

A sudden chill ran down her spine causing goose bumps to rise up her pale skin, starting at her nude legs and following the course of her body up to her purple panties and faded green tee shirt. Her nipples stiffened on her petite breasts, much more tender during the cold winter months. She hugged herself, rubbing one arm while holding the mug in the other. It helped, but she wanted more to heat her up.

Peter walked in just then, bleary eyed, sporting this morning’s stubble.

Categorized as Erotica