[MF] Drive-thru paid off

I am a huge Starbucks fan and when in a good mood, I end up paying for the person behind me cause I like to being up everyone’s moods.(unless a group of 4 people in the car…that gets expensive)

A few days ago I was in like again and noticed a female in behind me. She looked cute with glasses and seemed to be on her phone. Cashier ask for payment and I paid for mine and hers in the back.

I usually just drive off, but had a break from work and decided to park up on the side and hang out in the car. It’s cold out here!

She pulls up next to me and says, “WOW, you absolutely made my day. I am having a rough day at work so thank you!”

I said “No problem, glad I was able to bring a smile to your face”

She asked, “how can I repay you?” And had this sexy smile on her face.

I said “I’ll leave that up to you darling”