[MF] I Slept With a Student on My First Few Month as a Uni Professor [Long]

This is something I’ll probably take to my grave.

It happened a couple years back. I was a new uni professor. I wasn’t supposed to be teaching on my own that day, but my mentor asked me. I’ve had experiences teaching a class on my own from my previous years as a Teaching/Research Assistant and my mentor knows my old boss (In top tier universities of my country, basically anyone knows anyone from their fields); so my mentor let me.

The class went splendidly. I believe I impressed some students with my style of teaching. When the class is over, everyone left, except for this girl. Let’s just call her Cynth. Cynth, with a pleading voice, asked me whether I would help with her thesis as she’s on her last lifeline and her actual advisor couldn’t be arsed to actually “advise” her. I didn’t think of anything mischiveous at the time, but I was hesitant of overstepping my boundaries as the new guy.

She insisted tho, saying she just needs some directions and she wouldn’t mention me to her actual advisor. I felt bad for her, having been in her place when I was in school, so I said yes.

[MF] How I ended up regularly eating out my work wife – Part 3 (END)

[Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kk8zng/mf_how_i_ended_up_regularly_eating_out_my_work/)

[Part II](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kkrzfj/mf_how_i_ended_up_regularly_eating_out_my_work/)

**note: I seemed to have accidentally posted an unfinished version of the story. This is a finished version.**

Nothing else happened that night. I wanted to, but decided not to. She looked genuinely tired, I was too; not only because what happened that night, but also the three meetings we had to endure that day. She ended up fallen asleep on the couch while I reviewed some power point slides.

We met again a couple of days later. Not for a meeting, thank God; we needed to iron out some draft. We shared a desk and I asked her to sit next to me. She gave a knowing smile; whenever I asked her to sit next to me in places where we can get a decent amount of privacy, we always ended up heavily flirting. Now, some of you may wonder how the hell do we get a lot of privacy at the office. Long story short, my job doesn’t require us to stay at the office 9-5. Even before the pandemic, only about half the dept members are usually in the office at the same time. During the pandemic, only the dept head and the vice head come in every day. That day, there was only us two and my head of dept but her office is on the other end of the floor from mine and she doesn’t like coming to my office because of ghosts (no, really, there are stories, not that I’ve experience it myself but some of my coworkers are genuinely afraid to come to the two offices (mine is one) at the far end of the floor).

[MF] How I ended up regularly eating out my work wife – Part 3

[Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kk8zng/mf_how_i_ended_up_regularly_eating_out_my_work/)

[Part II](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kkrzfj/mf_how_i_ended_up_regularly_eating_out_my_work/)

Nothing else happened that night. I wanted to, but decided not to. She looked genuinely tired, I was too; not only because what happened that night, but also the three meetings we had to endure that day. She ended up fallen asleep on the couch while I reviewed some power point slides.

We met again a couple of days later. Not for a meeting, thank God; we needed to iron out some draft. We shared a desk and I asked her to sit next to me. She gave a knowing smile; whenever I asked her to sit next to me in places where we can get a decent amount of privacy, we always ended up heavily flirting. Now, some of you may wonder how the hell do we get a lot of privacy at the office. Long story short, my job doesn’t require us to stay at the office 9-5. Even before the pandemic, only about half the dept members are usually in the office at the same time. During the pandemic, only the dept head and the vice head come in every day. That day, there was only us two and my head of dept but her office is on the other end of the floor from mine and she doesn’t like coming to my office because of ghosts (no, really, there are stories, not that I’ve experience it myself but some of my coworkers are genuinely afraid to come to the two offices (mine is one) at the far end of the floor).

[MF] How I ended up regularly eating out my work wife – Part 2

[Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kk8zng/mf_how_i_ended_up_regularly_eating_out_my_work/)

After the evening at the pantry, I grew bolder and hungrier. It stopped about being close to her and more about enjoying her. I should let you know that I don’t actually do this with all the women I get close to. Again, she was different. I didn’t know whether at the time I’ve already wanted to sleep with her but it didn’t matter. What I wanted was to build the tension. I don’t know why. But there’s a certain thrill to work with someone you suspect to harbor sexual feelings for you. There’s a certain excitement explaining about a project while sitting so close that you can actually smell her perfume while your hands move between her lower back, her thigh, and her finger, depending on what you were doing.

I always make it a point to tell her she looks great, and she always does. After that night, I did through a whisper, and by whisper, I mean like really close to her ear that my nose often touched her hair or ears if she moved a bit.

[MF] How I ended up regularly eating out my work wife – Part 1

****Note: this story is a slow burn that focuses on the building of the sexual tension rather than the actual action.**

Her name is Louise, though she usually just introduces herself as Lou. We’ve been working together for about two years. The attraction grew slowly and gradually. She is a rather unassuming woman but one of the nicest persons I know. About a month after we started working together, we took up a mini-project. It was supposed to be a 5-persons project done by all three new members of the dept but our coworkers were taken by another project and we worked on it just the two of us.

By all means, I flirt a lot and during our project, I was no different. She didn’t seem to mind. In my defense, I am still rather respectful in my flirtings with her. To be clear, I wasn’t trying to sleep with her, it was just something I’d do with a coworker I find attractive. Half the time she flirted back, the rest she seemed flattered. Over time, however, the sexual tension rose. Well, to be honest, I deliberately built it.