[WELCOME TO THE MEDITATION CENTERS](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/welcome)
To Roscoe Forthright’s great pleasure and surprise, as she is in the middle of an orgasm, sitting on his face, Kate cries out: “Thank you, Great Horned-God ! ***I want your Sacred Salty Semen in my mouth! I want your Thick Cosmic Cock, pounding my pussy from behind!***”
Roscoe said, “ I can help you with that, young lady. Please, bend over on your elbows and knees.” Kate laughed, said nothing, and changed her position to make her fanny ready for Roscoe’s modest – sized, yet gloriously enthusiastic erection. ***At this point things got hallucinogenic, even in Roscoe’s estimation of reality.*** A glowing lime-colored orb became visible, surrounding the couple on all sides.Roscoe knelt and Kate lay on a queen-size mattress, raised up by a wooden platform, in the center of Roscoe’s photography studio. The room was about twenty feet wide, and the lime-colored orb filled the room. Roscoe and Kate were positioned in the center of the orb, as the light pulsed and changed colors in a repeated, slow sequence: Lime, purple, turquoise, forest green, orange, golden yellow, shimmering silver, and dark red.