[FFFFFFFMMM] Chakrasamvara’s Big Dangling Blue Balls. Balls Deep.

[WELCOME TO THE MEDITATION CENTERS](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/welcome)

To Roscoe Forthright’s great pleasure and surprise, as she is in the middle of an orgasm, sitting on his face, Kate cries out: “Thank you, Great Horned-God ! ***I want your Sacred Salty Semen in my mouth! I want your Thick Cosmic Cock, pounding my pussy from behind!***”

Roscoe said, “ I can help you with that, young lady. Please, bend over on your elbows and knees.” Kate laughed, said nothing, and changed her position to make her fanny ready for Roscoe’s modest – sized, yet gloriously enthusiastic erection. ***At this point things got hallucinogenic, even in Roscoe’s estimation of reality.*** A glowing lime-colored orb became visible, surrounding the couple on all sides.Roscoe knelt and Kate lay on a queen-size mattress, raised up by a wooden platform, in the center of Roscoe’s photography studio. The room was about twenty feet wide, and the lime-colored orb filled the room. Roscoe and Kate were positioned in the center of the orb, as the light pulsed and changed colors in a repeated, slow sequence: Lime, purple, turquoise, forest green, orange, golden yellow, shimmering silver, and dark red.

[FFFFM] Fucking a Skull. A Fucking Skull!

[WELCOME TO THE MEDITATION CENTERS](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/copy-of-welcome-from-bea)

Our 57 Lodge locations in the U.S. are having trouble keeping up the the volume of requests for membership. Over the past three months, interest in The Sacred Followers of Roscoe Forthright has skyrocketed, mostly because of our website and our high-security zoom-like, free sex meet-up platform, *Oneness2*. *Oneness2* is also popular outside the U.S, in Canada, Germany, Spain, Turkey, Belgium, U.K. And Norway. Everyone enjoys fucking. Popular as ever!!

In most cities, like Denver, Dallas and Chicago, our Lodges keep a low profile. Often we are located in downtown and in residential areas. Downtown Chicago. In Denver the Lodge is near the University of Colorado. In the Dallas area, our Lodge is near the Home Depot in Carrollton.  In Zebulon, North Carolina, we are near the Walmart Supercenter.  (Our High Priestess, Katana lives in Lizard Lick.) 

We deliberately do not advertise our presence in any community, because secret orgasmic group sex rituals near Walmart or Home Depot is convenient for our Followers, but needs to remain hush-hush from local city residents. We do not want any trouble coming our way from unimaginative, highly offended self-righteous people.

[FMFMFMFMFM] Spurting Sacred Ejaculate During Our Rituals

[WELCOME TO THE MEDITATION CENTERS](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/copy-of-welcome-from-bea-1)

This talk is about spurting cream *into*, *onto* or *very close* to beautiful naked women.

Many people have sent e-mails, wanting to know more about our sex rituals. They want to know exactly what we do when we light candles, and kneel in front of our altars. They want to know what words we say, and what sexual positions we use.

I really cannot tell you all those details. Only initiated members of our Lodges are taught those things. I *can* talk about our rituals in general ways. I can compare our rituals to the kinds of sex we have all seen seen in porn and in our own lives.

The most important ritual action is Roscoe spurting his sacred ejaculate *into*, *onto* or *very close* to beautiful naked women. The beautiful naked women are Sacred Followers of Roscoe Forthright. Most are heterosexual or bisexual. Even our gay and lesbian Followers enjoy seeing Roscoe spurt his sacred ejaculate. We all enjoying seeing cream spurt from joyful erections

[FMMMMMMM] Jizz. Jizz. Jizz. Beautiful Sacred Jizz!

[Audio-Video. Jizz. Jizz. Jizz.](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/copy-of-welcome)

***Jizz, jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.***                       Master Roscoe allows us to use our naked, aroused sexual orgasms to worship the One-Ness.  To worship the Grand Articifer of the Universe, to worship the ancient gods, the Lords of the Watchtowers, in the East, in the South, in the West and in the North. We worship the Creator and the Elementals made by the Creator.

All this, we worship with sacred jizz and the holy vaginal fluid. The nectar of the lotus. The liquid light kisses the diamond wand, the diamond wand held tight in the sacramental chalice. The cock in the mouth, the cock in the vagina. The vagina puffy and wet, the cock tingling, spurting holy cream. Jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.

All this, we worship with sacred jizz and the holy vaginal fluid. The nectar of the lotus. The liquid light kisses the diamond wand, the diamond wand held tight in the sacramental chalice. The cock in the mouth, the cock in the vagina. The vagina puffy and wet, the cock tingling, spurting holy cream. Jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.

[MF] FREE Live WebCam-Girl for Hikikomori

[Beth Darmstadt is here for you!](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/449dddb11b1ae5cbcd/purple-dildo-with-moans-mp4)

Has your aggressive, success-oriented money-making civilization destroyed your psyche? Do you now stay home and talk to no one? Are you Hikikomori– in Japan, or in any aggressive, agenda-pushing nation, like the United States, Germany, Canada, UK, and much of the European Union?I am Beth Darmstadt. I am here for you! My giant purple dildo is here for you! I will get you off, **live, on-line for free!** I will watch you stroke your cock for me, and I will masturbate with you– precisely because your nation, your leaders, your entire civilization has let you down, and abused you. All this is their fault, not yours. Wherever you live, click onto RosoceForthright.com, and I will make you come, and I will come with you, over and over again. **I will slap my pussy for you**, with my wet, tight pussy full with my purple dildo, my dildo plunging loud in and out of me. You can hear the suction of my pussy swallowing the dildo. You can hear me moan. **I will moan for you.** Specifically for you– precisely because your civilization has fucked you over, and I believe that is one definition of Evil.**I am a moral girl.** I believe in Free Will, Free Choice and Freedom of Action. I believe being fucked-over by your civilization is one of the worse things which occurs in our shiny, loud 21st Century. **Because I am a moral girl, I want you to eat my pussy! I want you to spurt loads of semen on my face! I want your hard cock plunging inside me, just like my dildo.** I am here for you, because you deserve a break, a few joyful moments, moment when you can say: ***Fuck Off You Nasty Self-Righteous Bastards! You can tell your entire civilization to Fuck Off.***

[MF] Kate Wilkins from Ipswich rides the Sacred Black Dildo

21st Century Sex Rituals [https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/a79dddb11511e1c52e/grimoire-sex-rituals-mp4](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/a79dddb11511e1c52e/grimoire-sex-rituals-mp4)

Kate Wilkins was born in Ipswich, U.K. An energetic British girl with red hair, her curly red pubic mound a meaningful inheritance from some lusty Celt ravishing a milk-white Anglo-Saxon. (Roscoe intends to make her Sacred Celtic Mound famous across the U.S., Canada and much of the European Union, as an internet-porn tourist destination.) Kate trained as a scuba diver and as a yoga teacher , moving between those two career s every few months , not completely satisfied with either . Often she would take extended vacations, and end up modeling , or shooting x -rated videos in exotic places, laying on the beach drinking Mojitos.
Roscoe met Kate at a nude beach in Marin County , north from San Francisco . Roscoe sat perched on a large rock , overlooking the beach . He was creating a sculpture fr o m native blue clay , found in abundance near this beach . **His sculpture was a giant erect cock .** Kate looked up at Roscoe, over the top of her sunglasses, as he was putting the finishing touches on his masterpiece . He was bathing the smooth blue surface of the three -foot arching erection with water , making it shiny in bright sunlight . Kate said , “You gotta be kiddin’ me.” They both smiled and laughed . Roscoe said , “It seems like the most appropriate response to the artistic situation.” Later in the day , laying on the beach together , they overheard an angry lesbian woman say , “That is just disgusting ! Horny men , dragging their cocks into our peaceful place.” They knew she was a lesbian , because the girl next to her bent down and kissed the angry woman’s vagina . The pussy -kisser said , with a nasty smile , “If that cock is still there tomorrow , I will smash it with my own fists ! I will annihilate that obscenity!” Truly, Roscoe never intended to offend anyone. **How can a large, friendly blue cock be an obscenity?** In his mind he was creating a big, lovely work of art, to be enjoyed by all, even lesbians. Some people take their militant homosexuality far too seriously. Give it a rest.

[MF] British Girl Masturbates with The Master

[Up Inside Amber](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/119dddb71f1ae8c598/up-inside-amber-mp4)

**Jizz, jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.**

Master Roscoe allows us to use our naked, aroused sexual orgasms to worship the One-Ness. To worship the Grand Articifer of the Universe, to worship the ancient gods, the Lords of the Watchtowers, in the East, in the South, in the West and in the North. We worship the Creator and the Elementals made by the Creator. ~ All this, we worship with sacred jizz and the holy vaginal fluid. The nectar of the lotus. The liquid light kisses the diamond wand, the diamond wand held tight in the sacramental chalice. The cock in the mouth, the cock in the vagina. The vagina puffy and wet, the cock tingling, spurting holy cream. Jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz. ~ **All this, we worship with sacred jizz and the holy vaginal fluid.** The nectar of the lotus. The liquid light kisses the diamond wand, the diamond wand held tight in the sacramental chalice. The cock in the mouth, the cock in the vagina. The vagina puffy and wet, the cock tingling, spurting holy cream.

**Jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz. Jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.**