[FM and Archangel Azazel] “Paint a Pentacle on My Cockhead!”

He said to me: “Use your water-proof eyeliner, paint a pentacle on the swollen mushroom of my cockhead.”

“Why do you want me to do that?”

“We need to perform a magic ritual, to drawn up Demon Azazel, who was cast down in the desert, buried with hurled and pointed stones, and covered in Darkness, after he led the rebellious angel army, the Watchers of Heaven, **an*****d his mighty angels fucked the pretty Ethiopian girls as in the Book of Enoch***, after the girls gave birth to a race of giants. All this, we need again. We need giants instead of men.”

“What the hell are you talking about? “ I said. He said: “ I am talking about our current puny and pathetic world leaders, who wring their little hands, and push people around, and accomplish nothing good at all. You and I will perform a sex ritual, raise up Azazel, and the ***Angels will return to fuck human females of all nations. And we will then have some worthwhile world leaders***.”

“I am all for fucking,” I said, “But I have no idea what drugs you have ingested.”

[heteroF4MMMM & 79 or more M’s] If you are a boy, spurt in my mouth

If you are a boy, you truly have no idea what my vagina needs, and barely a clue about what my mind and my imagination need. Since you are poorly informed, I will teach you a thing or two.To learn this lesson properly, ***you will need to stroke your cock as you read***. (One-hand scrolling is now standard procedure for millions of boys worldwide.) Yes, I like to imagine your hand, lubed-up, tight around your cock. I enjoy the whole process, watching the little fellow rise up from softness to a glorious, manly, aching erection. If I were with you, I would bring my mouth close to your cockhead, kissing it, licking it as you stroke for me. ***I love when boys stroke for me.*** I love knowing I am the cause, the motivation for the physical excitement, excitement I can see and enjoy with my own eyes, with my own tongue, and inside my own mouth.

[F with 305 M’s and 80 F’s] Beth wants you to touch yourself

[Welcome to the Meditation Centers of Roscoe Forthright](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/copy-of-welcome-from-bea)

The whole point of writing filthy stories is to get-off 385 joyful, expectant online readers, on any given day, worldwide. If you are a boy, I want you to slap that little fellow around! If you are a girl I want your fingers inside your wet, tingling pussy. Nothing could be more simple…. Except, many of you believe *you have heard it all before*, and nothing short of two trans-midgets, a St. Bernard drooling and a pygmy goat will sound new and original. That is where you are mistaken.

Consider humans in hot places before they discovered ice cubes, or medicine men before they learned to use ayahuasca. Nobody knows everything, no one has experienced all the available joys. I will tell you this: every single one of your orgasms can open your mind as wide as ayahuasca, without all the puking and shitting and nausea. Why put yourself through torture to attain new and desirable experiences? The same is true the complicated bondage and Dom forms of sexuality. Much can be accomplished with far less effort. The key is your own beautiful orgasmic imagination, combined with the innate biochemistry of your own mind and body.

[MFFFFFFF] Spurting Cream Into, Onto or Very Close to Human Females

[WELCOME TO THE MEDITATION CENTERS](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/a79ddcb41f1cedca2e/spurting-sacred-ejaculate-mp4)

This talk is about spurting cream *into*, *onto* or *very close* to beautiful naked women.

**Many people have sent e-mails, wanting to know more about our sex rituals.** They want to know exactly what we do when we light candles, and kneel in front of our altars. They want to know what words we say, and what sexual positions we use.

I really cannot tell you all those details. Only initiated members of our Lodges are taught those things. I *can* talk about our rituals in general ways. **I can compare our rituals to the kinds of sex we have all seen seen in porn and in our own lives.**

The most important ritual action is Roscoe spurting his sacred ejaculate *into*, *onto* or *very close* to beautiful naked women. The beautiful naked women are Sacred Followers of Roscoe Forthright. Most are heterosexual or bisexual. **Even our gay and lesbian Followers enjoy seeing Roscoe spurt his sacred ejaculate. We all enjoying seeing cream spurt from joyful erections.**

[FMMMMMMM] Jizz. Jizz. Jizz. Beautiful Sacred Jizz!

[Audio-Video. Jizz. Jizz. Jizz.](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/copy-of-welcome)

***Jizz, jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.***                     Master Roscoe allows us to use our naked, aroused sexual orgasms to worship the One-Ness.  To worship the Grand Articifer of the Universe, to worship the ancient gods, the Lords of the Watchtowers, in the East, in the South, in the West and in the North. We worship the Creator and the Elementals made by the Creator.

All this, we worship with sacred jizz and the holy vaginal fluid. The nectar of the lotus. The liquid light kisses the diamond wand, the diamond wand held tight in the sacramental chalice. The cock in the mouth, the cock in the vagina. The vagina puffy and wet, the cock tingling, spurting holy cream. Jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.

All this, we worship with sacred jizz and the holy vaginal fluid. The nectar of the lotus. The liquid light kisses the diamond wand, the diamond wand held tight in the sacramental chalice. The cock in the mouth, the cock in the vagina. The vagina puffy and wet, the cock tingling, spurting holy cream. Jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.

[MFFF & DIETY] The Radiant Purple Cock

[From Portland Lodge No. 17](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/portland-lodge-no-17)

**Forest Ritual**

We see a wide-view, a misty forest, firs, cedars, spruce, large maple and black cottonwood trees. Our attention focuses on the silhouette of a grove of giant cedars, towering in the half-lit sky. We hear rustlings, gentle wind in the boughs, crickets, frogs and other early morning forest sounds. Our view narrows, passes between the dark trees like a slow flying bird, to reveal a silent lake. We pause at the shore. A trout jumps, the splash echoes, and rings of concentric circle widen from where the fish had been. We hear the eerie, haunting voice of a loon, quiet at first, then filling the air over the lake, as if some evil will soon occur. **A great horned owl, flaps quickly by, startled from high branches.** A bullfrog begins to boom, as if at our feet, increasing our sense of dread.

[FFFFFMMMMMFF] Group Masturbation for World Peace

[Welcome to the Meditation Centers of Roscoe Forthright](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/copy-of-welcome)

**Roscoe agreed to give Oneness2 a three-month trial**, before making any final decisions, before making any further business agreements with Anon.donor. ~~ The results were joyful and truly beyond Roscoe’s expectations. Sitting in his living room, in Port Angeles, Washington, Roscoe may now *lecture to* and *hold conversation with* many devotees at the same time. In smaller groups, the devotees can see and talk with each other. **For one event in mid-July 2020, 1043 people signed-in to hear Roscoe recite the complete** ***Forest Songs***, and make commentary about those seminal sacred texts. 897 people listened to the entire two-hour lecture. 238 people asked if they could send donations. Roscoe replied to those requests with a short video, saying “I truly appreciate your generosity, but we are in need of no money. Spend your money making yourself and your loved ones safe and happy. I accept no donations from anyone accept our benefactor, Anon.donor~ who continues to make Oneness2 possible, and provides that service to all of you.”

[FMFFFMre and When to Shoot Your Sacred Jizz

[Welcome to the Meditation Centers of Roscoe Forthright](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/copy-of-welcome)

***Where and When to Shoot Your Jizz, a beginner’s guide***

***Because you have been stroking your cock for 20 years or more, you may mistakenly believe you already know the relevant facts about jacking your jizz.*** If you are a younger male human, you may be more humble and open-minded regarding the psychic and mystic working of your own, warm, friendly, pleasant, admirable, wholesome, alert, useful and often erect cock. Below are a few useful observations about the gushing and the withholding of semen.

Just cuz you are oh, oh, oh, oh soooo excited~ you do not need to lose all rational control over your orgasms. To splash that big wad of jizz all over everything. In fact, learning to hold your cock on the cusp of orgasm, keeping it fully hard, knowing ***one more little stroke willing send the cream flying***– holding yourself there is one of the best sexual joys you will ever experience. Such control is very useful, if the girl-friend or boyfriend is taking a bit longer than you are in getting all the jets fired-up, for that satisfying full head of steam. Also, you will learn things about your own mind, once you are able to hold yourself for several minutes, on the cusp, in full bliss, one stroke away from coming. ***“What exactly will I learn, Roscoe?”***

[MFFFF] Rosoce Discusses Four Pussies

[AMBER’S LEISURELY BREAKFAST](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/a79dddb71f1be0c22e/ambers-leisurely-breakfast-mp4)

I ingest my joy slowly. Like eating a woman’s pussy. There is no need to rush. I savor the flavor. I savor the texture of each pubic lip, and the texture inside. It is much like a leisurely breakfast. Sitting in warm sunlight, in a quiet room. On my plate are slices of Bosc pear, slices of Munster and Havarti cheese. Two soft-boiled eggs without shells. Two slices of sourdough toast, spread with rosemary olive oil. Next to my plate is a hot mug of Ethiopian coffee, spiced with Arabic spice and cinnamon. I nibble. I take small bites. I crush small chunks of pear between my teeth, and let the juicy pulp linger on my tongue. I close my eyes and concentrate my mind to the sweet flavor of pear, and on the warm sunlight on my closed eyelids. Likewise, I take a bite of Havarti cheese, and let it dissolve on my tongue. I sip spiced coffee, and hold the flavors of cheese and spiced coffee on my tongue. I take a bite of toast, enjoying the crunch, and the softness soaked with oil. I close my eyes, and enjoy each flavor and each texture.

[FFFMM] Sex Ritual Follower – Personal Testimonial

[WELCOME TO THE MEDITATION CENTERS OF ROSCOE FORTHRIGHT](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/copy-of-welcome)

I am Bill Nordquist. I became a Follower of Roscoe Forthright last weekend. **In Zebulon, North Carolina.** These are smart and cautious people. Roscoe and two local girls (members of the local Roscoe Forthright Lodge) met me at McLean’s Ole Time Cafe at 11am. Friday April 2nd, 2021. The four of us had coffee. Roscoe ordered Meatloaf, a great lunch for $8.89! And I had Sisco Chicken. With Sawmill gravy! I think the girls had salads.

They wanted to check me out, to make sure I was not some looney-tune bozo, looking for a free fuck. I said, “Roscoe, I am 32 years old, fairly good-looking, with a good job. And I own my own truck and my own house. I do not need free fucks. I can get those whenever I want them. **We have plenty of eager girls in North Carolina**.” And Roscoe said, ”Bill, you are exactly the kind of man we enjoy having in our Lodges. Bat-shit crazy is everywhere. Especially when people find us on the internet, thinking we are a porn site, or a hookers-for-charity outfit.”