[FFFFFM & MMMMFF] Group Masturbation for World Peace

[Welcome to the Meditation Centers of Roscoe Forthright](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/copy-of-welcome)

**Roscoe agreed to give Oneness2 a three-month trial**, before making any final decisions, before making any further business agreements with Anon.donor. ~~ The results were joyful and truly beyond Roscoe’s expectations. Sitting in his living room, in Port Angeles, Washington, Roscoe may now *lecture to* and *hold conversation with* many devotees at the same time. In smaller groups, the devotees can see and talk with each other. **For one event in mid-July 2020, 1043 people signed-in to hear Roscoe recite the complete** ***Forest Songs***, and make commentary about those seminal sacred texts. 897 people listened to the entire two-hour lecture. 238 people asked if they could send donations. Roscoe replied to those requests with a short video, saying “I truly appreciate your generosity, but we are in need of no money. Spend your money making yourself and your loved ones safe and happy. I accept no donations from anyone accept our benefactor, Anon.donor~ who continues to make Oneness2 possible, and provides that service to all of you.”

[MFFF orgasms4worldpeace] Sex Cult Leader Offers Bliss to Young Women

[Ride the Dildo with Beth](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/449dddb11b1ae5cbcd/purple-dildo-with-moans-mp4)

**Some viewers have no interest in combining religious teaching with their enjoyment of naked women having orgasms.** I complete understand that response. That is what I called a reflex response based on misunderstandings, and inaccurate perceptions of reality, and large quantities of inaccurate teaching, the teaching all of us get from age ONE all the way through college. Our current education systems are poorly equipped to observe and classify some forms of social and spiritual reality. Like our 21st Century sex rituals. Religious sex rituals. **Girls joyfully receive ejaculations in their mouths, and swallow the semen as a religious rite.** Most doctorate candidates and most tenured professors at major and minor colleges and universities would gather no grant money for research into our sex rituals. And most would worry about the long term effect on their career. If and when they witnessed our rituals, or participated in our rituals, and honestly understood our rituals, and wrote accurate and thoughtful commentaries about our sex rituals. They worry they would be dismissed. Shouted down, in public or humiliated. And never work again as a teacher or researcher at a major or minor college or university. **Truthfully, in many places, we pretend we have free speech, and freedom of expression. But that is simply not true.**

[MFFFF sometimes FFFMMM] How Should I Attract Sex Cult Followers!

[Where Is A Good Cult Leader To Go?](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlycreepy/comments/jfmnnm/where_is_a_good_cult_leader_to_go/)

The big problem with being the leader of an international sex cult is – finding a place to sit on the internet, with high traffic, a busy place to gain followers. Google filters always censor my commentaries, or delete my descriptive stories of girls *having their way* with me, and me *having my way* with them. As if we were time-warped back to 1952, when public sex references needed to be coded in allegorical language. Fuck them.

Fuck them all. I do not rely on Google algorithms to have a good time. I rely on conveniently located, cheerful and available human females. No algorithms are required to enjoy a willing human female.

for example:

[Three Females at a Beach House](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/449dddb11b19e7cacd/4-15-ambers-arabic-dance-mp4)

I know not everyone has a beach house or can rent a beach house, but you get the idea. Friendly females can be found in most places, and the beach house is not required. A cabin in Winnipeg, Manitoba is as good as a 5 million dollar cabin of the same size on the beach in Malibu, California. It is the willing, cheerful females that make the occasion worthwhile. Not the real estate.

[MFF] My Semen In Their Mouths Proves the Existence of God

[Two Sacred Cherubim](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/about-3)

Of course, you don’t believe me. Why would you? I am not an Old Testament Prophet with any authority to talk about Jehovah. **And especially when I put ‘semen’ in the same sentence as ‘God.’** In the 21st Century we are not accustom to considering our semen, and our raging and popular forms of sexual desire as religious.

Well, consider this: Look at the faces of these two female humans. If you are a heterosexual boy, **consider** ***precisely*** **how joyful your hard cock would feel, gushing in their mouths.** With that image in your brain, consider the religious sculpture below, and the look in the mirror at your face, when you come. The ecstasy is exactly the same. The sculptor knew exactly what he was doing, and knew the work would be the most popular piece of art in the Church. **All the male parishioners praying to God, wishing desperately their wives and girlfriends might look that hot someday.**

[Ecstasy of Saint Teresa. Bernini](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6b/Ecstasy_of_Saint_Teresa_September_2015-2a.jpg/330px-Ecstasy_of_Saint_Teresa_September_2015-2a.jpg)

[MFFFFFFF] Spurting Cream Into, Onto or Very Close to Human Females

[WELCOME TO THE MEDITATION CENTERS](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/a79ddcb41f1cedca2e/spurting-sacred-ejaculate-mp4)

This talk is about spurting cream *into*, *onto* or *very close* to beautiful naked women.

**Many people have sent e-mails, wanting to know more about our sex rituals.** They want to know exactly what we do when we light candles, and kneel in front of our altars. They want to know what words we say, and what sexual positions we use.

I really cannot tell you all those details. Only initiated members of our Lodges are taught those things. I *can* talk about our rituals in general ways. **I can compare our rituals to the kinds of sex we have all seen seen in porn and in our own lives.**

The most important ritual action is Roscoe spurting his sacred ejaculate *into*, *onto* or *very close* to beautiful naked women. The beautiful naked women are Sacred Followers of Roscoe Forthright. Most are heterosexual or bisexual. **Even our gay and lesbian Followers enjoy seeing Roscoe spurt his sacred ejaculate. We all enjoying seeing cream spurt from joyful erections.**

[MF] British Girl Masturbates with The Master

[Up Inside Amber](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/119dddb71f1ae8c598/up-inside-amber-mp4)

**Jizz, jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.**

[[ audiobook version]](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/069ddcb7121de8c58f/british-girl-masturbates-with-the-master-mp4)

Master Roscoe allows us to use our naked, aroused sexual orgasms to worship the One-Ness. To worship the Grand Articifer of the Universe, to worship the ancient gods, the Lords of the Watchtowers, in the East, in the South, in the West and in the North. We worship the Creator and the Elementals made by the Creator. ~ All this, we worship with sacred jizz and the holy vaginal fluid. The nectar of the lotus. The liquid light kisses the diamond wand, the diamond wand held tight in the sacramental chalice. The cock in the mouth, the cock in the vagina. The vagina puffy and wet, the cock tingling, spurting holy cream. Jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz. ~ **All this, we worship with sacred jizz and the holy vaginal fluid.** The nectar of the lotus. The liquid light kisses the diamond wand, the diamond wand held tight in the sacramental chalice. The cock in the mouth, the cock in the vagina. The vagina puffy and wet, the cock tingling, spurting holy cream.

**Jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz. Jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.**

[FFFM] Kate Wilkins from Ipswich rides the Sacred Black Double-Headed Dildo

[21st Century Sex Rituals](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/a79dddb11511e1c52e/grimoire-sex-rituals-mp4)

Kate Wilkins was born in Ipswich, U.K. **An energetic British girl with red hair, her curly red pubic mound a meaningful inheritance from some lusty Celt ravishing a milk-white Anglo-Saxon.** (Roscoe intends to make her Sacred Celtic Mound famous across the U.S., Canada and much of the European Union, as an internet-porn tourist destination.) Kate trained as a scuba diver and as a yoga teacher , moving between those two career s every few months , not completely satisfied with either . Often she would take extended vacations, and end up modeling , or shooting x -rated videos in exotic places, laying on the beach drinking Mojitos.

[F4$$MMMMM] Sister Anna Enjoys the Cock-Pleasure Business

**Perhaps you have seen videos of me with my mouth, pussy or anus full of big, thick, glorious, eager, cocks.** Perhaps you have seen bursts of semen splashing my face. These things happen. Perhaps you are a boy, and you have jacked your own glorious, eager cock, and spurted your own cream as you watched these videos. These things occur. Human occurrences on a daily basis. I usually get paid very well for such videos, though 80% of the time, the people involved do not really give a rat’s ass about each other. They are there for the cash. Everyone gets used like a slab of meat. 20% of the time it is not so bad, with a few normal, rational humans involved. Once every few years, one or two of the people involved even love each other.

[F4$$MMMMM] The Exquisite $2000 Blow-Job

**Here in Seattle, a local hooker decided to up her game.** To market her mouth exclusively to the wealthy elite. Having been a minor porn star, she has plenty of marketing material, easily available online, to show exactly what her mouth, hands, vagina, feet and anus can do. She is a practical girl. It was simple math. At $2000 a blowjob, 5 BJs per month, she makes $120,000 per year. Which is more than enough to pay for her new apartment in New York City, and purchase the elegant clothes required by her new social circle. **The ultra-elite, for whom $2000 is pocket change, and easily worth a good blow-up from a skilled and beautiful, young human female.**

Being a sex slave to the ultra-elite requires some brains and acting skills, and a body young enough to be appealing, but experienced enough to demand high prices. (I do wonder if such careers last past 40 or 50 years old.) Our various civilizations have always had a few ambitious girls of this type, willing to get the job done, and live comfortably on the earnings. **Nothing new here, except the level of bat-shit crazy which goes on, in the minds of all the participants.** Consider these facts: In India, $100 US can buy 13 nights in good hotels, or 4 good meals for two. And the pocket change of $2000 of the elite might buy two good paintings from two young and talented artists, who could really use the money for their rent. *Is the end goal of all human existence to rent a new apartment in New York City?*

[FFFMM] Sex Ritual Follower – Personal Testimonial

[WELCOME TO THE MEDITATION CENTERS OF ROSCOE FORTHRIGHT](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/copy-of-welcome)

I am Bill Nordquist. I became a Follower of Roscoe Forthright last weekend. **In Zebulon, North Carolina.** These are smart and cautious people. Roscoe and two local girls (members of the local Roscoe Forthright Lodge) met me at McLean’s Ole Time Cafe at 11am. Friday April 2nd, 2021. The four of us had coffee. Roscoe ordered Meatloaf, a great lunch for $8.89! And I had Sisco Chicken. With Sawmill gravy! I think the girls had salads.

They wanted to check me out, to make sure I was not some looney-tune bozo, looking for a free fuck. I said, “Roscoe, I am 32 years old, fairly good-looking, with a good job. And I own my own truck and my own house. I do not need free fucks. I can get those whenever I want them. **We have plenty of eager girls in North Carolina**.” And Roscoe said, ”Bill, you are exactly the kind of man we enjoy having in our Lodges. Bat-shit crazy is everywhere. Especially when people find us on the internet, thinking we are a porn site, or a hookers-for-charity outfit.”