[MF] As Hard and As Fast As You Want

This is a story from my freshman year of college. I was a troubled and angry guy who went to school in the woods of Maine. I drank too much and was oversexed. BUT I do still think this experience was hot and I come back to it from time to time.

During the first semester, I had been dating a girl named Kat for several months. Our relationship had started to go south over winter break. She had health issues and feelings for another guy and said we should take a break. I took that very literally at the time. I came back to school, started fucking other people, and so did she. But we also started seeing each other again. So it was weird. One night in late January I was at one party and she was at another. I had been nineteen for about a month. This party was in my buddy’s dorm room. It was meant to be a cocktail party, but that had devolved. Now we were just drinking. I was seven shots deep and flirting with some girl whose name I don’t remember. I felt pretty confident about it. Then my phone buzzed. It was Kat. I talked to her in the hall. She was drunk, too. She wanted to see me. Some creepy guy had been coming on to her at her friend Renata’s party and she didn’t feel good about it.

Adventures in Eating Pussy [MF]

The First Time:

I had recently turned nineteen. I had recently fallen in to a torrid relationship with a girl a year older than I (it didn’t feel torrid at first, but it got that way). She was much more experienced than I and I felt both daunted and turned on by this, because she really seemed to want me, this relatively inexperienced guy who she’d met at a party several weeks before. She had dark black hair, pale skin, chain-smoked, listened to 90s metal bands like Queen of the Stone Age.

GoldenMilf (MF)


Dennis was introduced to sex
By Goldeneye
When he sat in his living room with his older best bud
Who’s stolen the VHS and would soon be caught,
And Xenia Onnatop appeared onscreen,
In her green dress and with her sultry, jaded smile
Seven year old Dennis began to feel a way he’d never felt.

And when Xenia Onnatop strangled that man with her
Thighs, in a plush bedroom and he cried,
“I can’t breathe!”
That was when seven-year old Dennis knew this ritual
Was for him. Except he’d be able to breathe,

Twelve years later, Dennis sits in his dorm room,
Fucked up off Oxycontin.
He stole it from his Father,
Who went back to drinking and fell and hurt his leg
And had surgery but Dennis does not give a shit
If his Dad needs painkillers. He needs a drug other than pot
(which he already got in trouble for dealing)
and he wants to feel mellowed out
he’s got enough testosterone to go around
So he sits there, high out of his mind,
Stares at his computer and thinks,
I’d better work on some of those photos
For my photo class.
But then he thinks, nah.

Categorized as sexystories

Two Women [MF]

(This is a repost of one of my stories from some months ago).

True story, this. Names have been changed. It really was just several weeks ago.

Several weeks ago, on a cold April day in Chicago, I left campus at grad school, where I would soon be finishing classes, took the train to Lincoln Park and arrived at the back entrance of her apartment building.

Let’s call her Katie. She lived alone in a 7th floor studio apartment and worked in marketing. She was new to the city and I got the impression she felt lonely here. As had I. We had met on the Internet. The first time we’d met had been the week before. She had sent me a picture of herself via text message before we even met, without me asking. No, it wasn’t a nude picture; yes, I knew when I saw it that I would be seeing her naked in short order. Something about the photo–the way she was posing in a doorway wearing a cotton blouse and silk black pants, her height, her smile–made it clear that I would be able to make her mine by the end of the first date. That this was what she wanted.

Between Classes [MF]

A Race and Gender Politics freshman level class at a large university in the Midwest. Spring semester.
Dennis Tominsky, a freshman nineteen years of age, comes in to class late, as usual. He sits at his regular seat while the teacher glares at him. The teacher continues. Dennis has a smirk on his face and glazed eyes. Yup, he’s fucking high. He’s been baked pretty much since midnight last night, when he had a pot brownie left over from his pal’s party, plus a joint, plus a bowl. He didn’t get much sleep that night. He was engaged in certain other, er…recreational activities.

Dennis doesn’t take out his notebook or anything. He takes his backpack off, but he has an agenda in this class other than studying. He stares straight ahead, still with that smirk, his mind elsewhere, and turns to his right. He looks down his row at—

A fairly attractive girl in a white silk blouse. She wears a brown skirt and leggings. She does take notes. But something happens to her positioning once Dennis walks in. She doesn’t have to look at him to know he’s there. It’s only when she feels his eyes on her that she returns the gaze. She smiles only faintly. There’s a tinge of nervousness in the smile. A tinge of regret even? She goes back to taking notes. Dennis turns away from her.

Thighs during first one night stand

Angie was 32. She lived in an apartment with two other women in Brooklyn, had been laid off from her job at a jewelry store, was looking for freelance work for making jewelry on Craiglist. That was how she put it. She had long brown hair and freckles, came from what I sensed was a wealthy family on Long Island (they actually lived on another Island, off the LI coast), but she dressed like she was a college student from the 70s and had a plain, earthy demeanor. Well, she was the 70s. This was 2009, so she must have been born in 1976/77.

I…was a twenty-one year old college student on an internship in New York that summer. Read some of my other stories and perhaps you’ll glean a summary of me.

I met Angie at a summer movie screening at Brooklyn Bridge park. It was early July and I was staying in my aunt and uncle’s house…and they were gone on vacation with their kids. So it was just me, housesitting. I couldn’t make up my mind on where to sit and also, I kind of in general wanted to get laid that summer. It had been a few months since I’d had any women.

Thighs when I was Twenty

July, 2007


Melinda was from Hungary. She was two years older than I. She was the first woman I fell in love with. She was the reason I would later live in Hungary for five months and the reason I would learn that I was capable of loving somebody. When I met her at the summer camp where we worked, she was a shy blonde girl in glasses, with a thick accent. She smoked. She read books and was knowledgeable but she was also unpretentious and, again, soft-spoken.

(It has unfortunately come to sound like an MRA-style viewpoint, but I do believe it’s true, not literally, but in the general sense: one cannot find American women with this personality and affect. One does not meet an American woman who is shy and indulges in unhealthy vices and reads and has intellectual fortitude and is not self-conscious or affected in terms of who she associates with. There is something about our culture that by and large prevents this from being so. I am 100% confident that there are other well-meaning men who know exactly what I mean. I am sure something similar can be observed of American men vs. European men. In any case, this combination of qualities struck me as individualistic and exotic, and was one of the reasons I was attracted to her).

Thighs in College

December, 2005


Leah was twenty years old. She had curly black hair. She was pale and a bit thinner than was healthy. She smoked Marlboros. She listened to bad metal that she thought was alternative an unpopular but was in fact relatively mainstream. She respected intelligence and thought I was intelligent. She was failing out of school. We had a number of mutual friends. We met at a party at her friend’s place. We made that night and started seeing each other around campus afterwards.

I was a freshman in college. I was about to turn nineteen. I’d never had sex before. Never had a real girlfriend. Now I did have a girlfriend. We made it official in mid-December. We were in Leah’s friend’s trailer home in central Maine, near to campus. We lay on the fold-out bed, making out wildly, in our shirts and underwear. My crotch was pressed against her’s and I dry-humped her through her boxers. Her thighs were smooth against my waist. Her boxers hiked up further and further and I feel more of the smoothness.


Dennis Goes Camping Part 1: The Swamp M/F

Camping. Jim wanted to go camping.

Dennis hadn’t been camping since he was thirteen. So almost a decade ago. He associated it with screaming former drill sergeants and forced push-up regimes. He didn’t associate it with nature. Fuck no.

Freshman Adventures: Spring Break, Part 3

I rested my head on Anjali's chest for a few moments thinking of what I'd do to get her screaming. As I pondered, she sat up and shifted forward and next thing I knew her mouth was around my cock, furiously sucking it while grabbing me by the waist as if I might escape. I nutted in her mouth in about three minutes and she tilted her head back, again, as if having done more coke, and swallowed three times. I stepped back and almost fell against her window. I felt so fucking good in that moment and shut my eyes. The next room over, I heard the door shut and Dirk and Anjali talking in whispers.

I began laughing. I heard her chuckle. I opened my eyes and burst out laughing and she burst out laughing also. Her cheeks were red and it looked almost as if she’d been crying. She sat up and looked down at her stomach, quickly, with an embarrassed grin, and back up at me with a grin that could not believed I had persuaded her in to this situation.