Fantasy novel/ shortstory with harem and Dom/Sub elements?

Does anyone know a fantasy story or novel with mostly a Dom/Sub relationship between the MC and the girls. Maybe he’s a warrior and they are conquests.

Fantasy erotica is easy enough to find on amazon, but something this specific is hard, because theres no tag system.

Looking for a fantasy or Sci-Fi novel with a good story and a D/S relationship

Hey,so I’ve finished Kushiel’s trilogy and I was really intigued by the mixture of good storytelling and erotic components. However the main character often sees her masochism as a burden and pursues a more or less vanilla relationship.

I was wondering if there is a novel with good storytelling where the main protagonist is in a loving D/S relationship.

Good Sci-Fi/ Fantasy book where the main protagonist is in a femdom relationship

Hey, I’m looking for a Sci-Fi/ Fantasy book that combines a good story with one of my main kinks: femdom/ female lead relationships. It can be both a mistress/slave relationship or gentle femdom.

Obviously you can find a fair amount of Sci-Fi/ Fantasy femdom erotica novels on the internet, but I’d like something with a bit more depth, a novel where the plot and characters are the main focus and the femdom relationship comes second. I really like David Webers books, or the Uplifting series to give you some idea of what I’m talking about.

I posted this on suggestmeabook already but got only one answer, so posted it here, because people ptobably know a few more kinky books.