Are You A Girly Girl Seeking A Manly Man?

Are you a girly girl seeking a manly man?

Do you ever feel like you just want a big strong dominant man who makes you feel like a little girl again? Like you used to feel when you were in grade school in the hallways, or school yard, or on the bus, when you would look at the boys you had crushes on and just feel that innocent yet intense desire for them as your hormones and sexuality was just starting to blossom up inside of you…

And when you first talked to them the butterflies that they made you feel all fluttery in your stomach, and all light inside like you were on cloud nine whenever you were close enough to talk to him, and look him deep in the eyes, and smell that intoxicating scent of his…

And the tingling you would get when you finally were able to touch him, and feel him touch you…and that incredible electric sensation that would form between your skin whenever they were close enough…

And how the fluttering feelings inside of you just continued to grow and spread up inside of you through your entire body as you got closer, and continued to talk touch and caress each other…