Summer Blues: Caught with My Dick in Her Ass [MF] [m19/f18]

*This is a true story. At the request of the fucked, the names have been changed. Out of respect for the masturbators, the rest has been told exactly as it occurred*

*Check out [Part 1]( with Isabel for some un/necessary back story. And of course cross the —-line—- if my meandering build up isn’t getting you off.*

After that first hookup, Isabel and I fell into an unspoken booty call situation. Our only real communication were the once or twice a week “hey, what’re you up to?” texts. Generally within 30 minutes of that text, someone’s pants would be off or at least being fumbled with.

As a horny teen I certainly wasn’t complaining with a no strings situation, we both were getting off and didn’t really want anything beyond that. Unfortunately we were both still living at home which meant we could only hookup in one of our cars. We quickly got pretty skilled at finding spots around town that would be abandoned by nightfall, in a small town the options were nearly endless.

Fucking away those summer blues [f18/m19] [MF] (long)

*This is a true story. At the request of the fucked, the names have been changed. Out of respect for the masturbators, the rest has been told exactly as it occurred.*

Cross the —line— for the good stuff.

Growing up I had a best friend, Sam, who I considered a brother for much of my life. That is until part way into high school when he started dating Sara and our paths diverged. Whereas I was obsessed with movies and memes, they were obsessed with each other and soon fell into hard drugs and other dangerous life choices. For my sanity I made the difficult choice to cut him out of my life.

A year after graduating high school I was home from college and got a shitty job at the local theater since I couldn’t get my shit together to get any internship. Most of my friends stayed in their respective college towns so I was pretty bored. I downloaded tinder out of a way to get some social interaction and cure my general debilitating horniness.