Black Friday action with a co-worker [MF] [long]

For the past few months I’ve been working as an assistant manager at a retail clothing store in the mall. I won’t say which store, but it caters to teenagers and twenty-somethings and has obnoxiously large photospreads of waify models falling all over one another on the walls, and a too-loud playlist heavy on dubstep with some neo-folk sprinkled in for good measure. Working there is usually boring as hell and the pay sucks, but at least all my female co-workers are really hot.

Until very recently they were also way off-limits, not only because we have a draconian personnel manual that makes dating a co-worker about as fun as being a crackhead on parole, but because I genuinely wanted to be professional. Most of these girls had enough creeps in their lives, including the preening college jerks who came in bunches and the middle-aged men who sauntered through, sometimes with adolescent daughters and sometimes alone, always spending more time browsing the merchants rather than the merchandise.

I seduce (ok…throw myself at) my brother’s roommate [FM]

Hi, everybody. My name’s Brooke. My older brother created this username (RoddySparrow? Really? What the hell does that even mean?) and left the account open on his computer. He’s going to flip when he sees this! I’d create my own username, but I don’t feel like waiting a day to share this story. . . .

I want all you internet strangers to understand that I’m really not a slut. Up until this point, I’d only had one sexual partner in high school, a boyfriend I started dating in tenth grade. He dumped me the day after I turned eighteen, which also happened to be the day before spring break of my senior year.

My best friend Summer and I were already planning to spend the week at my brother’s apartment in Myrtle Beach. (He’s two years older than me and was a student at Coastal Carolina University.) My boyfriend was supposed to go too, but now that was out. So I was feeling frustrated and lonely. And, damn, it was spring break and I wanted to do something a little crazy.