[M] my gf (19) gave a blowjob for a cheeseburger

this was quite a while ago… maybe 20 years ago. my GF at the time was the hottest human i had ever met. she was romanian. she was quite a bitch; super mean to everyone she met for no particular reason. she was a pervert. she was proud to be named for a famous song about a prostitute.
she had straight red hair, green eyes, super pale skin. Courtney Love make up. she was slim. she often wore leather booty shorts with combat boots.
…this was before internet porn made everyone shave or trim their pubic hair, shaved pubic areas weren’t the norm. they were pretty rare actually. she kept hers perfectly bald and had the hood of her clit pierced.
so yeah… my 18 year old, borderline virgin self was blown away that i was dating her.

anyway one time we went for cheeseburgers at a a burger chain. we only had a few bucks, so we split a burger and fries. she says, kiddingly:

-i wonder if the guy would give me cheeseburger if i offered him a blowjob haha!

-hehe that’s ridiculous. only one way to find out, i guess!

-haha OK sure whatever!