*Something I whipped up during my hour break… I’m not a native English speaker so pardon the grammar if its bad. Enjoy!
First day of college… I dreaded this day since summer began, and now it is here. This day is nothing more than a day where everyone show up to class looking all prepared and ready, while knowing that they’ll fall as sleep before class even starts, for the rest of the semester. There are also those new high school kids coming in, all magically knowing how they will all become doctors and neurologists and heart surgeons, ready to dominate the world. Gosh those kinds get on my nerve like a pesky fly in the kitchen. It’s sad to think that their fluffy dreams will share the same fate as the fly. Squashed. By second semester, they will begin to realize it’s just a propaganda that society had drilled into their heads, to go to college and succeed. All the while the university make money and continue to groom them with, “Oh don’t worry Rick, take as much time as you need to make up your mind, but keep coming to school ok?” What a stupid fucking world we live in.