When I was just out of college I worked for a few years as a night janitor at a university. It really wasn’t a bad job. Most of my coworkers were college students or retired professors working for extra retirement. It had one REALLY nice perk.
Most of my night was spent cleaning a large administration building. Boring stuff. Around midnight though I would walk a couple blocks to empty the trash and vacuum a small house converted into offices. It sat right across the street from a sorority house.
The first couple months were pretty uneventful. But one night things changed for the better.
That sorority house was brick on three sides but the side facing me was full of large floor to ceiling windows. Just as I flipped the lights on I noticed a girl stop and take off her shirt. I tried not to look but it was clear she was watching to see when I got close to the window. But the time I looked up she was in just panries and a bra walking up and down the front inside stairs. She stopped when she got to the top and turned right towards me. I pretended to work and just took quick glances. After about a minute the panries came off to reveal her perfectly trimmed little triangle that she rubbed for a few seconds.