There are a lot of great stories on here and this is FAR from the wildest but one of my favorite experiences nonetheless. There is a pic of her from this day in my profile!
Here goes…
Roughly 6 years ago my wife and I (both 27 at the time) had been married for 2 years, together for 8. Every year on our anniversary we drove about 4 hours to a vacation town with some great restaurants and bars, and also some rural outdoor areas including nice quiet lakeshore.
For a while I had been into the concept of seeing her on a nude beach (or at least topless). This was a major turn on for me but being in the Midwest US there were few if any opportunities, even if my wife was fully into the idea too. Prior to this trip I spent extensive time on google maps scoping out a desolate spot where we could try to make nude beach time a reality. She reluctantly agreed to participate for my sake as long as it was private and nobody else would see her. I found what looked like a great spot and started looking forward to it.