[MFF] my first threesome thanks to my awesome girlfriend and her best friend.

Hey GWStories! Long time no see. I’ve been busy with work and catching up on little projects around the house but this I had to post. I didn’t intend it to be this long but fuck it. It was an amazing night.

As always I’m on Mobil so please excuse any mistakes.

So if you’ve read some of my previous posts you know about my rekindled relationship with Emily. It’s like heaven on earth when she is around. Truly amazing woman I’ve got.

So on to the fun. This Friday was my irl cakeday. Emily was coming over and we had plans to go out and celebrate.

Friday rolls around and I head home from work to clean up the house before Emily is supposed to show up. The house looks mint, Emily shows up around 7 and around 8 we head into town to meet up with some friends for dinner and drinks.

We go to this casual bar that serves killer wings and always has a fun atmosphere. We eat, drink and dance the night away. Midnight rolls around and we decide to wrap the evening up. As we are getting ready to leave Emily’s best friend Demi asks if she car get a ride home with us as she doesn’t feel like she is sober enough to drive safely. Who am I to object?

[M/F] Fucking my girlfriend in the kitchen.

This is a shorter tale but it was a lot of fun last night!

Emily came to spend the weekend with me. She arrived at my home Friday evening after I got off work and we started preparing dinner.

It had been a week since our last go around so we were both horny as hell. She had on tight yoga pants and a purple tank top that hugged those beautiful curves.

After dinner Emily walked to the kitchen to grab a glass and some red wine. I’ve recently taken to Southern Comfort and decided I needed a glass of whiskey. Emily stood on her toes to reach the glasses. This tensed the muscles in her legs and ass. I couldn’t help my self and I gave her ass a playful slap. She quickly spun around and with a playful smirk she punched my arm. I’ve now learned that she has a mean right hook!!

She went for another play punch and I was able to intercept her fist and pulled her in close for a hard kiss. She pulled away and with a devilish smile said “so this is how it’s gonna be?”

The most memorable night of my life [M/F]

On my phone and not a great write so please excuse any mistakes.

In previous stories I have talked about my best friend Emily. We became friends in high school and even more than friends this past summer.

We spent many weekends together and had a blast. The warm months ended and she went back to school in our home town and I continued working. We spent as much time together as possible.

During Christmas break she came over to the house for an extended weekend. Nothing but us and an empty house.

Emily arrived on a Thursday evening. I was beat after a long day at work and she had some stress to relax away from the past semester. We grabbed some grub from a mom and pop diner and finally headed back home. We decided that after the food settled we should get in the Jacuzzi and relax. I lit some candles and we settled in with our drinks and let the warm water and jets melt away aches, pain, and stress.

[F]ucking [m]y new coworker.

This is a story from when I was still at university. I worked a retail slave job at a farm parts store.

Amy was a tall blonde with legs a mile long. She was just out of high school and working as a cashier over the summer before she went to university.

The first few weeks working with Amy were uneventful. Some flirty comments here and there, and a couple of playful ass grabs. That is until one morning we both opened.

Amy and I both arrived at the store an hour before we opened to get everything up and running for customers. We got the tills set up and the lights turned on and then it was a waiting game until 8am. To pass the time we sat in the break room and talked. As we were talking she talked about how hot it was in the store that morning. I commented on it being just below freezing thay morning and they wanted the store warm when customers came in. She said she could barely stand it and took off her hoodie. Under the hoodie was a tight fitting plaid button up shirt. It hugged her petite yet curvy body just right. She caught me staring and playfully threw her hoodie at me. I tossed it back and she smiled and asked if I like what I saw.

A [f]un camping trip with [m]y best friend.

Got a good response from my first post so I thought I would post another.

Please forgive any mistakes I make.

It wasn't long after my first go around with Emily that we decided we wanted another weekend to ourselves. We decided to go camping at a state park close to our hometown.

After much anticipation and clock watching, 3:30 on Friday afternoon rolled around and I was out the door faster than the speed of light. I picked Emily up and we loaded my truck with our gear and set off for our campsite.

We arrived at our site and had everything set up in less than an hour. I had a nice fire built with a rack over it to cook dinner. I went a little less fancy this time opting for burgers rather than steak. While I cooked our dinner Emily relaxed in her hammock which was tied to two trees overlooking the lake. The setting summer sun falling ever closer to the horizon painted a beautiful background behind my beautiful companion. It was the perfect way to start our weekend.

The ti[m]e I fucked my best [f]riend.

Long time lurker, first time poster blah blah blah. I'm on my phone and I'm not the greatest writer so please excuse any mistakes I make. I'll try to format as best as I can.

First some back story.

I've known my best friend Emily for about 4 years now. We met through a mutual friend during my senior year of high school. We hit it off instantly and quickly rushed into a relationship.

Our relationship didn't last long but the break up was mutual and we remained friends. After graduation Emily and I were inseparable. It was a summer full of bon fires, beer and late night cruises with the top off the Jeep(damn I miss that Jeep and that summer.)

Fast forward a few years and now I'm out on my own a few hours from my home town. Student loan debt, rent, bills and all the other fun adult stuff.(yay for the American dream!!)

Now onto the good stuff.