Soccer Mom – Part III

FYI – I have created an archive post on my profile page where you can access all of the previously released sections of the on going saga that is…SOCCER MOM

The hotly anticipated follow up to Soccer Mom is here, eagerly anticipated by dozens. DOZENS I SAY.

Note that in part III, I slow things down a bit. I kind of painted myself into a corner by starting out by throwing so many sexually fantasies into two short parts. I hope you don’t get too frustrated by it, and I promise, things will pick up very quickly in the future installments. ENJOY!


The warmth of the sun on my face gently rocks me out of the best sleep of my life. I don’t fully believe the events of the night before until I wipe the crust from my eyes and find that, other than a soft blanket draped over top of me, I am completely naked on a couch in a strange living room.

Soccer Mom – Part II

Thanks to everyone who read part I and left so many kind words! I hope you enjoy part II just as much but please, don’t hesitate to leave any constructive criticism. It will be greatly appreciated as I get under way with part III.

I do want to preface this and say that I had part II pretty much done when I posted part I, so I wouldn’t expect part III to come nearly as fast. I will post part III as soon as it’s ready.


I remove my hands from the steering wheel and wipe them against my jeans for the fourth time. It’s all I can do to keep them from sliding all over the wheel. I can’t believe I am so nervous. I mean, what is there to be nervous about? It should be easier after the first time. Hell, if we are going on a load by load basis, this would technically be the third time. I guess this time around I’ve had a lot more time to think about it. To crave it.

Soccer Mom – Part 1

A repost since I finally have gotten around to continuing the story and wanted a fresh starting point. A few minor changes from last time but nothing earth shattering. Will be posting part two in the next couple days but have bit more editing to do first. Enjoy!


I’m starting to regret taking a gap year.

On paper it sounded great. Graduate high school and spend a year traveling and finding myself before taking the next big leap into adulthood. But that’s not what happened. I forgot, traveling costs money, which I don’t have. It’s also best to travel with friends, but they all went off to college.

So now my gap year has turned into me being my family’s errand boy. Pick up dad’s dry cleaning. Run to the grocery store. Wash mom’s car. Take your little sister to her soccer game. And like the sap that I am, I do it all. I guess it’s the only way to be seen as something other than a freeloading mooch. Something my parents like to remind me of constantly.

That’s why on this beautiful summer day, I’m sitting on some dirty bleachers and watching a bunch of nine year olds pretend to play soccer.

Soccer Mom (M/F)

I’ve been writing GWA Audio scripts for a little while now but always wanted to try turning some of the scripts into erotic short stories. I feel like it gives the story a whole new life. I chose my first script, Soccer Mom, which is also one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy!