[MF] Wild end to a night of drinking…

This was a few years ago…

I was at a friend’s apartment he shared with his g/f and another lady who was friends with my buddy girl.
Her room was tucked in the back and she kinda just stayed back there most times I was over, and generally I think her b/f was over a lot of the times I was there, but I only seen him like 3 times.

This particular night she was actually out with me, my boy, and his girl so 4 of us all drinking, cracking jokes, playing tunes and cards, standard night.

For context, she was a very, very sexy lady, and yes I was definitely attracted, but never made any sort of real attempt at her seeing as she had a b/f.

It’s now the end of the night, my friend and his gal go to there room, the saxy lady goes to hers and I take my place in the couch to pass out.

This i remember vividly, I hear footsteps, and then a hand touch my leg, and it’s the sexy roommate who is looking me right in the face, and says “I want to have sex, right now”
Ok I’m obviously blown away and in a state of shock as this is soooo out of the blue.

[MF] First time having sex with a certain lady, unexpected twist

This is a good number of years ago, but it still fresh in my mind

We had been in like 2 dates, so this was number 3, it was goi great, good energy both sexual and excitement. As the night winds down, she is gonna stay at my place first time, as we ride home I get that feeling this is gonna be a good end to this night.

We head straight to the bedroom, more to just lay down and let the booze settle, well this quickly escalated to, making out, my hands up her dress her hands working my belt off.

Now I hadn’t planned on this and had 2 condoms, that’s it, poor form I know. So we are quickly naked and I’m wrapping up, it goes without saying condoms suck, the booze and rubber made the first few minutes rough. Soon though I was in and fucking her good,with that dumbed down sense of pleasure due to the condom, but then as I was thrusting in deep I felt an incredibly wet and warm sensation, fuck, condom ripped.