The Work Conference, Part II [M/F, M-POV]

[Part I](

Her hand sends shivers through my body as it moves across my bare skin. I unintentionally strain against my pants and she lets out a small laugh, looking back up at me and saying “a little eager now, are we?”

“Oh shut up! It’s your fault I’m all worked up!” I run my fingers through her hair and plant a kiss on her forehead, but my body is aching for her touch. I get my wish, but it comes in the form of the dulled sensation of her fingertips barely grazing down the front of my pants over the zipper. Still, it’s enough to make my cock twitch and for her to mock me again.

“You *have* to know why that one happened,” I remark, gesturing toward her hand on me.

She smirks. “Oh, I do, I just like to make fun.” She squeezes gently, causing me to let out a low sigh and shift my hips. Her smirk drops and she starts to move more aggressively. Her fingers squeeze up and down my length over my jeans, exploring and pausing every time my erection jumps. The whole time I’m letting out soft moans, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of her work.

The Kiss [POV, af]

My heart pounds ever faster with each passing moment. Her hands on my back send shivers through my body, her sweet smile that I could stare at for ages fading slowly as she leans closer–just close enough for me to make out the smaller markings on her face and feel her soft breathing against my skin, but not close enough to feel her warmth. My hands move from her waist to her back and she sighs gently. One trails higher, the smoothe fabric of her shirt wrinkling a little as my hand moves to rest in the curve of her neck just below her hair, the the other remaining with the slightest pressure on her lower back. I feel her muscles in her back shift slightly beneath my hand as she moves her own hands, one against my knee and the other sliding across my shoulder, up my neck, and toward my face. That one fluid motion sends tingles across my skin. Her hand comes to rest against my cheek and she lovingly draws her fingers across my hair and smiles that sweet smile again, but this time there’s something else behind it. Then she leans in.

The Work Conference [M/F, M-POV]

*What a boring lecture.*

I sit up a little in my seat and stretch as much as I can without hitting the person next to me. As my gaze sweeps back to the speaker on stage talking about workplace safety I notice a similarly bored woman also looking around the room. Our eyes meet briefly over a few rows and columns of seats but she quickly looks down, then focuses her attention back to the speaker. At least now I have something more interesting to pay attention to.

My eyes focus a little more as my mind clears of it’s half-sleep. Her wavy brown hair curls at the ends as they just dangle over her shoulders. She’s wearing business-appropriate clothing, of course. A nice white blouse and black slacks. Her leg is bouncing as her soft face looks expectantly at the speaker. I wonder if she’s pretending to pay attention or if this is actually interesting to her. Thankfully the presentation doesn’t last much longer. As the people file out I make sure to keep track of this woman. I push my way through tired people and make my way into the lobby to see her already starting toward the exit.