Why is it such a Tabboo to goto Pleasure workers? This is more of a confession [M]

For the past 6+ months, I have been having unprotected sex with prostitutes. What started on a drunked night as a dare, became a secret habit. I was was depressed the first time, once I got sober and regained my senses. Feeling bad for myself did not help me. I tried confiding about this with a dear friend of mine. But after a few days, she said it was spoiling her peace of mind. After days of feeling sorry for myself, I realised the we only live once. As I was not sure if I got infected or not, I went on a spree. Any available prostitute I come across, who was willing to go without, I had sex with. At times, in the most unexpected places. Lost count after 25.

Not really proud of what I am doing but not remorseful either. It sometimes feels like its not wrong, as they too are people like us who are trying to earn a living and I am helping them in their business. And I am not comitting any crime as I am not forcing nor hurting nor robbing anyone and it was always consensual.