Sex column idea

So I have something in mind and I’d like this group’s point of view.

I’m a man in roughly middle age, a writer by trade (you would probably recognize some of my stuff). In recent conversations with friends male and female I’ve come to realize that there’s an interest in a blog or column or newsletter that chronicles the intimate aspects of married life – sex, fights, the day to day that isn’t often spoken of.

A lot of folks write about how married life is either terrible or wonderful, and there is not a lot of writing that describes the common experience of that middle area. I want to fill that void. I’ll be anonymous, so I can be fully forthcoming.

As I get started I’d like to hear from you for a couple of reasons. First, what would you like to see in a column like this? What would be interesting to read and learn about ? How much detail would you like to see?

Second, would you be willing to be an advisor for this, of sorts? I will need people to bounce ideas off of, read drafts with me, etc.