Best friends chpt. 2 new normal (m26, f20)

I woke up on the couch, groggy, of last night began flooding back to me. Setting up I try to put everything straight trying to figure out what happened. I’m not sure how long I said therefore just thinking to myself. I stayed like that until I heard a small amount of commotion in the hallway and saw him walking out into the living room still bare ass naked. It takes my entire strength not to look between his legs as he walked to the kitchen to get himself something to drink. As he walks back into the living room finishing a glass of water he stops for a second thing to think himself before saying “did….Did what I remember happening last night happen?” Deposit waiting for my answer and I sheepishly nod wondering how much exactly he remembered. “Oh….thanks.” He said cheerfully walking over setting his glass down on the coffee table and sitting on the couch next to me. “I know you’re not into guys like that but I really appreciate you helping me out” what?! I thought to myself of course I’m into guys why would he think that I’m not. Is that why he never made a move on me he thinks I’m gay? I’m about to say something it cut off. “Say, could we do that again? Like I mean, make it an ongoing thing. I mean that’s what friends do right by scratch each other’s back.” “What…what exactly are you asking….” I said trying to maneuver carefully “you know, like last where you helped me jack off.” Part of me wanted to say no but at the same time maybe this is how it could start, it starts off as like a friends with benefits kind of thing and maybe then he starts having feelings for me like I do for him. “…ok” I see and immediately see his face light up “really? That’s awesome! I was like 100% sure you were gonna say no. How about right now?” He said excitedly not waiting for my answer grabbing me by the wrist and having me get up off of the couch guiding me onto my knees in front of him.

Chpt 3. Unaware

It’s been about a week since it all started. I’ve been sucking his dick every day since then and i’m becoming less and less hopeful that this will give him feelings for me.

Chpt2. The new normal

I woke up on the couch, groggy, of last night began flooding back to me. Setting up I try to put everything straight trying to figure out what happened. I’m not sure how long I said therefore just thinking to myself. I stayed like that until I heard a small amount of commotion in the hallway and saw him walking out into the living room still bare ass naked. It takes my entire strength not to look between his legs as he walked to the kitchen to get himself something to drink. As he walks back into the living room finishing a glass of water he stops for a second thing to think himself before saying “did….Did what I remember happening last night happen?” Deposit waiting for my answer and I sheepishly nod wondering how much exactly he remembered. “Oh….thanks.” He said cheerfully walking over setting his glass down on the coffee table and sitting on the couch next to me. “I know you’re not into guys like that but I really appreciate you helping me out” what?! I thought to myself of course I’m into guys why would he think that I’m not. Is that why he never made a move on me he thinks I’m gay? I’m about to say something it cut off. “Say, could we do that again? Like I mean, make it an ongoing thing. I mean that’s what friends do right by scratch each other’s back.” “What…what exactly are you asking….” I said trying to maneuver carefully “you know, like last where you helped me jack off.” Part of me wanted to say no but at the same time maybe this is how it could start, it starts off as like a friends with benefits kind of thing and maybe then he starts having feelings for me like I do for him. “…ok” I see and immediately see his face light up “really? That’s awesome! I was like 100% sure you were gonna say no. How about right now?” He said excitedly not waiting for my answer grabbing me by the wrist and having me get up off of the couch guiding me onto my knees in front of him.

Chpt 1. Caught

His name is Matt he’s only about a year older than me and we have been friends since we were kids. Constantly spending Time at each other’s houses staying close friends all the way through high school and even going to the same college. When it came time for us to move out of our parents house is it kind of felt like it only made sense for us to move in together since we probably spend most of our time at one of the other persons house anyway. There has never been any romantic feelings between us we’re friends that’s it. At least not from him it was around high school when I started to get feelings for him. Of course I wouldn’t act on it we were best friends and he never let on that he ever felt anything like that for me anyway. Plus they were all the other girls, it felt like he was constantly jumping from one girlfriend to the next with me there in the background the whole time.

Best friends chpt 2- New normal

I woke up on the couch, groggy, of last night began flooding back to me. Setting up I try to put everything straight trying to figure out what happened. I’m not sure how long I said therefore just thinking to myself. I stayed like that until I heard a small amount of commotion in the hallway and saw him walking out into the living room still bare ass naked. It takes my entire strength not to look between his legs as he walked to the kitchen to get himself something to drink. As he walks back into the living room finishing a glass of water he stops for a second thing to think himself before saying “did….Did what I remember happening last night happen?” Deposit waiting for my answer and I sheepishly nod wondering how much exactly he remembered. “Oh….thanks.” He said cheerfully walking over setting his glass down on the coffee table and sitting on the couch next to me. “I know you’re not into guys like that but I really appreciate you helping me out” what?! I thought to myself of course I’m into guys why would he think that I’m not. Is that why he never made a move on me he thinks I’m gay? I’m about to say something it cut off. “Say, could we do that again? Like I mean, make it an ongoing thing. I mean that’s what friends do right by scratch each other’s back.” “What…what exactly are you asking….” I said trying to maneuver carefully “you know, like last where you helped me jack off.” Part of me wanted to say no but at the same time maybe this is how it could start, it starts off as like a friends with benefits kind of thing and maybe then he starts having feelings for me like I do for him. “…ok” I see and immediately see his face light up “really? That’s awesome! I was like 100% sure you were gonna say no. How about right now?” He said excitedly not waiting for my answer grabbing me by the wrist and having me get up off of the couch guiding me onto my knees in front of him.

[str8] Best friends: chpt 1- Caught

His name is Matt he’s only about a year older than me and we have been friends since we were kids. Constantly spending Time at each other’s houses staying close friends all the way through high school and even going to the same college. When it came time for us to move out of our parents house is it kind of felt like it only made sense for us to move in together since we probably spend most of our time at one of the other persons house anyway. There has never been any romantic feelings between us we’re friends that’s it. At least not from him it was around high school when I started to get feelings for him. Of course I wouldn’t act on it we were best friends and he never let on that he ever felt anything like that for me anyway. Plus they were all the other girls, it felt like he was constantly jumping from one girlfriend to the next with me there in the background the whole time.