“The Best Fuck” My “Friend” Ever Had.. [MF] [Cheating] (Part Two)

Before I continue with the story, a few more details.

First, more about Brad. Brad was the typical high school guy. He was reasonably athletic and played football. He was no stand out or all star but never the less had that fragile, jock ego about him. I wouldn’t say he was dumb, but the guy wasn’t [Will Hunting](https://media.giphy.com/media/3otOKtnGppPi5Q4hOw/giphy.gif) either.

I think it’s relevant so I’ll give you an example. One night a large group of friends were playing poker. With no obviously segue, Brad looks at me and says,” Have you ever read So Crates?” I said, “What?”, without flinching he said, “So Crates…?” I was at a loss for a beat but then understood, “Yeah, why do you ask?” He said, “Oh, I just wondered, it’s interesting stuff.” One of our other friends looks at me, “What the fuck are you guys talking about?”, “He’s talking about [Socrates](https://68.media.tumblr.com/4f38bdc5c634134f635599a36d1b8b39/tumblr_o2gvbrjYiy1qa32meo1_540.gif)” I replied.

I’ll continue from where I left off.

We were all together at someone’s house in a college town. It was just a smaller gathering but it kinda evolved into this instantaneous party. People were coming and going, watching a game on TV. A lot of drinking and smoking.. People I knew and a lot that I didn’t know, came and went.

“The Best Fuck” My “Friend” Ever Had..[MF][Cheating] (Part One)

This story goes back a long ways..

When I was in high school one of my best friends started dating this girl called, “Cindy”. She was.. fucking stunning. She was probably 5’6 or so, she had darker hair with big tits (probably Cs), and a round ass.

She was popular, but had a little more brooding to her than a cheerleader vibe. So a lot of guys didn’t know what to make or do with her. She played varsity tennis and was good, very good. All I remember from watching her was, I was watching perfection. Longer legs that were lost in an amazing ass. Her tits were full, welcoming. Her skin was tanned and her smile was blinding. She was gorgeous.

One evening, she called me. The call was made under the pretense that her and my friend, “Brad”, had just gotten into this big fight and she was calling me as his friend to try to understand him better. I knew this wasn’t her true intent. I had never knew her before she started dating my friend. But we had talked briefly here and there and she always left the conversation with a questionable smile.

Name: “Slut”, Occupation: “Blowjob Queen” ? [MF]

There was some interest in my last story, so I thought I’d share another with a completely different girl.

I’m on a couple of dating sites. Match, POF and of course Tinder. As I mentioned in my last story, I have to travel quite a bit for work. I have never really had much luck with Tinder, I’m not sure why. Match and POF is a whole different matter.

One day I was finishing something up at work and I got a message via Match. Some one “Liked” my picture. I always wait a few hours before I check out some one’s profile after I get a notification like that, otherwise I think it looks too desperate. Yeah, I know all of this shit seems juvenile to me too, but it’s the game you have to play.

I got back to the hotel and checked out her profile. Her face was a 6 .. 7 .. but from what I could from her pictures her body was a solid 8. Her tits were a bit smaller than I normally like, but long legs, thin, and a nice round, tight ass. In other words, my type.

What he doesn’t know… [MF] [Cheating]

I was out of town for a business trip, and the first night stopped by this little casino to play some poker. I took my seat, and at the table was this tiny little blond, with thick hair and huge tits. Very reserved and knowledgable on how to play. I noticed she had this huge rock on her wedding finger.

I started chatting it up with the other players, and the dealer having a few laughs. The dealer asked where I was from and I explained that I was out of town, and traveled a lot for my job. A guy at the table asked if that bothered my wife. I laughed, “No, I’m single, I just haven’t been able to find a ‘good woman’.”. I then said to the dealer, “Why couldn’t I meet a quality woman playing poker?”, and he pointed to the blonde and says, “Stacy’s a good woman” she blushed and laughed.

I said, “Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”, she reluctantly said,”Okay?”. I asked. “You’re married, right?”, “Yes, I am”.

I looked at the dealer and said, “See, there you go, all the good ones are taken”. He just smiled, and she did too. I said,