[MMF] My Dealer

So I 18M wanted to get high with my girl 19F and we ran out of stuff, so i called my dealer 28M and told him to come over with some stuff. He comes over to drop off the stuff and sits on the couch, i then go to my room to grab money and realize i dont have any cash on me, so i looked some more and saw that i had no money for the stuff, so i go back in the living room to see him sitting next to my girl and they are talking and laughing. My girl was wearing a high booty short with a white tank top no bra or underwear. I then told my dealer “sorry i have no money will pay next time” he says “how bout your girl” i get a little nervous since wasnt expecting that, i say “no bro, will just pay you next time” he then says “come one bro, let me have her, she wants it” i look at my girl, she is quite throughout this whole thing. She smiles but says nothing. I tell the dealer “bro lets get high” he then proceeds to pull out a bag and this stuff smells really strong, he says “it is really good stuff” he then rolls a fat blunt, me & my girl are new to smoking so we are kinda lightweights. We spark it up and start smoking, we are then just talking and stuff. My dealer then says “bring your bong bro, lets do more” so i go grab my bong from my room and came back to the living room seeing my dealer groping my girl and making out with her. I said “bro, stop that, lets smoke some more” the dealer says “yeah, sorry bro, your girl is hot, you are lucky bro” me & my dealer then continue to do hits after hits, 15 minutes goes by i think and then my dealer says “bro you got the money” so i am completely baked at this point. I go to my room and look for money again, i come back to the living room and say “sorry bro no money, next time” he stands up and says “bro, we can settle this right here bro, i will give you extra too, i will be gentle with her” so me being high AF i say “if she is okay with it” my girl then says “its okay babe” my dealer then lifts my girl up and carries her to my room, while he is going away he says “bro i will leave the door open a bit in case you are worried” i told him “okay” and sit on the couch. He is now fucking my girl in my room. He is black and my girl has never been with a black guy before, i am her second boyfriend.

Me & my girl [MMF]

So wanted to get high with my girl, we just finished smoking our last bit of stuff, so we got baked and called dealer to come over, I am 19M my girl is 18F, dealer 26M comes over with the stuff, me and my girl just chillin in the living room, he sits and pulls out a big bag of weed, and starts to separate the amount i wanted, i go to my room to get money and realize i am out of cash, so i look a but more to make sure and i don’t have the money. So i go back in the living room and by this time my girl and my dealer sitting next to each other very close and talking, she is laughing but i notice he has his hand on her lap, now remember since we are just home, she is wearing her lululemon yoga pants with no panties and wearing a short top with no bra. She is THICC. So i tell him, i dont have any money and he says “well maybe your girl can pay me” i froze when i heard this, he is a lot older and hearing him say that kinda startle me a little. I looked at my girl and she was just quite, i said “No man, you are a lot older”, no idea why i even said that, i guess i was nervous. I then said i will pay him next time, he stood up and said “you know she wants it right, she is just shy” at this point i am almost froze. I look at my girl and she smiles. I then sit down and we all end up smoking a lot and got really high. My dealer then said “bro, let me have your bitch, we call it even and i will give you extra” i asked her, you okay with this baby? She said “might as well pay him now” so i told my dealer to go for it, he lifted my girl and took her to my room. My dealer said “i will leave the door slightly open in case you worried” i told him that would be nice. So now i am sitting in the living room and i can hear my dealer doing my girl. she has only been with me and her ex before she started seeing me. She never been with a black dude, so my dealer is her first.