The interview (pegging, forced bi, femdom)

Scouring the house, flipping couch cushions Chris searches everywhere..”fuck where are my keys I’m late”. Chris says to himself. Finding the keys on of all places the nightstand , chris chuckles and grabs his pistol and slides it into his holster. Adjusting his suit paints to the weight of the gun, grabbing the slim fit gray suit coat and it’s off to work. Locking the door in a rush and jumping into his vintage challenger the engine comes to a roar as it starts with life. Moving rapidly out of the driveway the black beast leaves even darker exhaust as it hurdles down the street. Late for work but ever since retirement as a detective and now running his own private investigation firm things have been hectic and today was interview day for new investigative assistants.
Making it in record time the front end slams into the driveway apron as Rizzo pulls into his designated office parking spot. The mirrored glass doors swing open as his familiar secretary’s voice breaks his day dream ” you’re late”….”I know I know ” and don’t I pay you Rizzo mutters in the slightest tone. Throwing his ass into his leather backed chair for a brief second before Miranda his secretary wings open his door with a stack of files that she flops on his desk with a thud. “These are open cases and employment applications ” said Miranda. She is a curvy redhead that loved to wear short skirts and low cut tops exposing her voluptuous breasts to tease and ultimately deny Rizzo every chance she got. “Thanks who’s my first interview?” Rizzo inquired. “She used to work in the 113pct squad, young latina woman” Interesting Chris thought to himself…..

Pure vanilla romance

Your eyes take in the familiar surroundings of the north shore. The trees blow in the wind as the tide crashes on the rocks while the bmw navigates the windy roads that run alongside the coast. The car roars up to the gate of sands point preserve allowing you in and reaching your final destination the hempsted house . The driver opens your door and instructs you to wear a eye mask. Nervous you agree and tie it behind your head. You take the drivers arm as he guides you to the rear of hempsted house. The mask is slowly removed and your eyes struggle to adjust to the light as you see me standing in the center of the rose garden. The lawn is perfectly green as it feels like a carpet under your feet. The roses in full bloom as the colors fill your eyes as much as their aroma fills your senses. The sounds of the bay excite you as you walk over to greet me. I’m wearing my grey suit and grey tie. As you approach you see I’ve prepared a table with more champagne and some light snacks. As you near I walk to you and take your hand kissing you and thanking you for coming to meet me. I pull out your chair and assist you sitting down. Pouring you a drink we talk about anything and everything as you nervously laugh like you do. I bestow you with compliments as you hold my hand taking in all the sights your heart swells as large as your throbbing clit. I give you a kiss and take your hand as you follow me in.