New Year in London [MFF]

I’m here to share my favorite memory, although it isn’t that spectacular as the other stories here, but it gets me going everytime I think of it.

English is not my first language, so please be kind, regarding my expressions.

My two best buddies Tim and Kevin (I’m using fake names) and and I just started working in summer in the late nineties, so we did not see each other that often anymore. We decided we would fly to London to celebrate the new year there.

Lisa, Toms sister insisted to come with us and because she did not want to be alone with us boys, her best friend Mia joined her.

We three boys shared a shady room and the girls were upgraded and had a really nice room.

The day after we partied on new years eve, we all came to life avain on late afternoon.
Tim and Kevin decided to eat out and go to the movies afterwards.
The girls didn’t want to watch a Stallone movie and I spent most of my money on the evening before.
I planned to stay in the boys room and read.
A few minutes after my buddies left, my hotel phone rang and the girls asked me to visit them so we can order us dinner together.