Start of my new short erotic fiction story, first time writing

My idea for the scenario was to be set in Ancient Greece. The female character is a member of the mythical all-women Amazon tribe who gets selected to kidnap and mate with a young man from a nearby village. Basically she kidnaps him and has her way with him. So far I have just started working on one of the sex scenes. I've never really written anything before so I'm not sure if my writing is any good. Below is what I have so far:

Within the tent, Alexius lay face up on a bed of soft-furred animal skins, a small blanket draped across his lap. Four lengths of rope tied around his wrists and ankles secured his limbs to the thick wooden spikes of the tent. Helene shed her clothing and stood over him, feeling the warm summer air against her naked skin as she contemplated where to begin.

She straddled his chest and gently lowered herself until she was resting upon him. She could feel the rise and fall of his chest pressing into her groin as he breathed, his hot breath tickling her inner thighs. She gazed straight down into his deep brown eyes and rifled her fingers through his thick black curls of hair.