Don’t Call Me Babe [M/F][Light BDSM, FWB]

This is my first erotic story, hope some people enjoy it!

Somehow I always ended up back here. Back to this feeling of regret and shame. How could I let myself crawl into his bed again? This happened so often he kept a toothbrush in his bathroom for the mornings afterward; where I’d brush my teeth in a haste; where I’d throw my freshly-fucked hair into a hot mess of a bun and get the hell out of his apartment as quickly as I had stumbled in.

It’s his charm, it always gets me. The way that he talks to me with his sweet pet names and sarcasm and the “I’ll take care of you” feeling he gives me. But he never follows through—at least not in any other sense than sex.

“Want a smoke?” Ashton asks me, knowing the answer already.

“I have to go.”

He laughs. “I know. You always have somewhere else to be.”

“I’m an important person who meets with important people,” I reminded him as I walked to the bathroom, picking up my clothes off the floor as I went. I saw him in the mirror watching my body move, but he wasn’t getting a round two from me this time.