[MF]. Nearly 2 Decades Apart… Didnt Matter at All

She had been my first. I’d had another girlfriend from the majority of high school, but we’d never pulled the trigger. Then, right at the tail end of high school, I ran back into her. We’d known each other when we were little kids. Now here she was, both of us 18, and even though she had a boyfriend at the time, it was obvious. I knew she’d leave him, and she did. We made love within weeks. It was amazing beyond words. I’ll write more about it another time. Today, I just wanted to share a small thought.

We went our separate ways around college time. From time to time though, we’d pop back into each other’s lives. Here and there, we’d meet, sometimes we’d talk, but most of the times, it became physical nearly immediately. What made it quite unique was the amount she would squirt. It was a sheets and duvet and the lining needs to get changed kind of situation. She told me he made her do it so much worse than her fist boyfriend, and as the years passed she shared it each time.

Daydreaming inside her thighs [MF]

I found myself in an old familiar place today that I hadn’t considered in an real depth for probably a decade.

Between the thighs of my old love.

She was beautiful. The most beautiful woman I’d ever been with. She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. The moment I saw her I remember how it hit me in the stomach like a wrecking ball. Absolutely annihilated me. I remember waiting, practically hovering over my phone, waiting for her to call. Two days. Two anxious, hopeful days.

I explain all that to segway into the topic of my daydream. Will share more about her and us some other time.

Today, I could not stop recalling what laid between her thighs.

She honestly had the plumpest, more suculant pussy I’ve ever had the pleasure to…pleasure.

Her lips were so phat. So gorgeously tender and soft. I scan Reddit now and there are some beautiful ones, but none…none…rival her’s.

I used to kiss it like a lover that had been lost to time and space, or crashed for years on some distant desert island, only to be returned to me that day. She used to close her eyes and stroke my hair as I spent ungodly lengths of time, not trying to make her cum (though, of course…) but just…enjoying her.

[MF] A French Connection

This story took place almost 12 years ago…

I had moved to a brand new international city and was in the stage where making friends and hanging out was the primary goal in my life besides getting trashed. Such is life in your mid-twenties when you start making some money and getting a life of your own that begins resembling an adult existence, but not quite.

I’d made acquaintances with a nice group of 15 or so folks and was invited to attend a house party one of them was throwing. I can’t remember who it was and I doubt I cared at the time anyways. Truthfully, the only reason I remember the night was due to the French Connection I made that evening.

For story’s sake, we’ll call her Audrey. She was French, same age and living in the city due to her business being abroad. She was always smoking a cigarette and swigging a mixed drinks or another. I’d not met many French women before and found her charmingly stereotypical. She spoke her mind and was often rude without realizing the rest of us thought it was hilarious because she didn’t see anything rude about “being honest”.

A Poetic Tale of Bondage [FM]

She was pale-skinned and her skin was covered in tattoos. Her thin body a result of years of stress and concern for her appearance. She had lost a lot of weight since I’d first met her. She had told me of feeling out of control. Lost. Unsure of where she should go in life.

I had known her for a period of a couple years. We’d shared about ourselves. She knew what I was. I knew what she was. She became skittish around me. Nervous. I didn’t know why. Then…

She told me.

She wanted me to take her away. Out of her state of being. Remove it.

I felt it was an honor. Something of a blessing I was being given or asked to give. When she asked me her eyes were full of pain. I wanted to take that pain from her.

She came over that Friday night. We smoked a joint. Calmed down. Had some laughs. I placed the bag of bondage gear on the table in front of her. I explained I wouldn’t ask questions, but would move slowly and she could simply say “no thank you”.

[MF] Paper Bag? Sure, I’ll put that on my head…

I won’t elaborate and make this story more than it was. I’m just going to tell exactly how it was.


I was on a date with a woman I’d been sleeping with for a few months. We’d pushed boundaries. You can tell from my other posts this is typical of me and mine. This girl? She was in her early 30s at the time and I was in my early 20s. We’d met at the hospital we both worked at and while she no longer worked there anymore, we had begun sleeping together after a casual run in. I’ve shared more about us in other posts so won’t detail more. Catch up on your own!

That night I made a joke, about fucking her with a bag on her head. We were eating take out and it’d come in a small white paper bag and was now covered in grease. She just said “Like this one?”. I grabbed it and looked at it as if I was Sherlock Holmes. “A bit too small don’t you think?” We both had a laugh and it didn’t come up again. We had great sex later that evening and she went home to take care of her son.

All Coked Up: Friend of a Friend [MF]

There honestly isn’t a whole lot to this one… However, in an attempt to rid my mind of constant re-living of my past sexual encounters I’ve been writing down the ones that keep coming into my head and sharing them here on Reddit.

Why is this helping? I honestly have no idea, but it is.

Maybe somewhere out there these women are even reading this and putting two and two together with the name changes and slight location alterations. Maybe they’re reliving it through reading.

Who knows…


I was in college and incredibly attracted to a girl in one of my classes. It was the typical “never met anyone like her before” college love crush. She was a total hippie, which was far from me at the time. Also, she had a BF which she seemed constantly unsatisfied with. And she flirted with me all the time. So basically, college hell on earth.

Well, we’d go to this British Pub which was incredibly odd for a Southern town and have drinks from time to time. She’d smoke cigs and I’d pretend to smoke them too. It went where you’d expect; fucking nowhere.

[MF] Cheater, Cheater on the Wall, Who’s the Guiltiest of them All? Nurses, Blowjobs, Oh My!

I’ll start this off by saying I haven’t cheated in years. Over 8 now. I’m glad I haven’t cheated and stopping it is what has allowed my life to move forward it a healthy way.

With that being said….

Cheating. I’m sorry. Nothing feels better. It’s exciting. Dangerous. Every second is a will we get caught moment that heightens the tension to the extreme.

For today… I just wanted to share a small sample….

I was seeing someone in my late 20s. We were happy. Nothing was going wrong. But I worked long night shift hours and she worked in the day. It left ample time for me to get to know and, by consequence, flirt with other women. Working with a hospital full of beautiful nurses didn’t help matters.

After work one night the whole shift crew went for drinks. Showers at home first, but still. After a long night of drinking one of the nurses, who was about 15 years older than me and had always treated me more like a son, and I agreed to walk each other to our cars. I honestly had no ulterior motive.

She did.

An Affair [MF]: Never Pull Out Again

Her and I had begun having an affair roughly a couple of months before. As I’ve shared previously, I was a Principal and she was a new teacher. I was in a long term partnership and she was married. Read the other post for my details on that

Up until this point we’d been flirting like crazy for a couple months, followed by finally agreeing to meet. We didn’t fuck, but went down on each other and ravaged each other with our mouths. We just couldn’t pull the trigger on sex. Not yet.

Eventually, we were at a work party. We stayed distant from one another. Everyone still thought we disliked one another and it helped us keep our secret. Her husband was there also. Speaking to him was difficult. I still considered myself a good guy. Obviously we were both being assholes, but I didn’t want to have to take it to this level. At one point she came over to the bar and began flirting with me. I couldn’t do that with him there and made an excuse to leave. She was pissed. I didn’t care.

Nurse Natalya [MF]: Closet Pet

I was initially working as a CNA at a local hospital. I’d begun working in nursing homes, but those were honestly awful. Eventually I started working in Kidney units, but again, so morbid to be honest. Then though, I was able to land a job in an Emergency Department. It was crazy. Excitement every night, I’m telling you. Blood. Guts. Fights. Lunatics. Drunks. Prom Queens with puke all over them. DUI and bodybags and security guards and just …… Madness. But most importantly? A workplace full of attractive, high-stressed women’s who when they weren’t at work … I can’t explain it. Still had this need for a high, an experience that was a bit …. Edgy.

Sweet Virginia: She made me fuck her to prove to herself I didn’t love her [MF]

I was in my Junior year of college and had been seeing a girl for a period of a year or so. She was my first “real” girlfriend, I guess you could say. I’ve written about how we met here before and you can find it on my profile. Well, she moved across the state to be with me and being the typical college guy I freaked out and we broke up. She shouldn’t have moved, I should’ve said something to stop her. Again. Young. Dumb. Live and learn.

But this tale takes place about 2 months after the breakup. I’ve moved into a new apartment and have an awful roommate, no furniture, not even a mattress. She has moved down the way, equally depressing circumstances. We’ve been having occasional conversations, usually very dramatic. Neither of knew how to handle the breakup well at all. We’d argue, and then we’d end up fucking, or she’d give me head, which she was so God damn good at that I couldn’t say no. But again, I refused to get back together and I stopped telling her I loved her.